[속보]"북미사일,일본상공-태평양 3천7백킬로 비행" > 정치

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[속보]"북미사일,일본상공-태평양 3천7백킬로 비행"

페이지 정보

작성자 편집실 작성일17-09-15 07:18 조회7,052회 댓글5건



[서울=민족통신 종합] 한국의 합동참모본부는 15일 오전 "북한은 오늘 오전, 평양시 순안 일대에서 동쪽으로 불상 미사일을 발사했다"고 발표했다고 연합뉴스가 이날 오전 7시2분 보도(현지시간) 하면서 자세한 사항에 대해서는 "한미당국이 분석중"이라고 밝혔다.

 한국 합참은 이어서  "최대고도는 약 770여km, 비행거리는 약 3,700여km로 판단되며 추가 정보에 대해서는 한미가 정밀 분석 중에 있다"고 덧붙였다.

이에 대해 일본 NHK방송은 이 미사일은 이날 오전7시6분에 일본 북해도 상공을 7시16분께 2천킬로메터 떨어진 태평양 해상에 낙착했다고 보도하고 있다.

본지는 이번 발사가 괌 근처 30~40킬로미터로 발사했는지 여부에 대해 조선중앙통신의 보도가 발송되는 대로 즉시 여기에 게재할 계획이다. 

한편 일본방송의 보도내용을 연합뉴스가 다음과 같이 보도하고 있다.

일본 NHK 방송은 북한이 일본 동북 지역 방향으로 미사일을 발사한 것으로 보인다고 보도했다.

북한이 미사일을 발사한 것은 지난달 29일 평양 순안 일대에서 중장거리탄도미사일(IRBM) '화성-12형'을 쏜 지 17일 만이다. 당시 화성-12형은 일본 상공을 지나 북태평양으로 날아갔다.

[그래픽] 북한, 동해로 미사일 발사
[그래픽] 북한, 동해로 미사일 발사

북한이 이번에 쏜 게 IRBM급 이상의 탄도미사일이라면, 미국 본토를 타격할 수 있는 대륙간탄도미사일(ICBM) 완성을 위해 대기권 재진입 등 핵심 기술을 시험하기 위한 것이라는 관측이 나온다.

북한의 이번 도발은 지난 3일 감행한 6차 핵실험에 대한 유엔 안전보장이사회의 제재 결의에 반발한 무력시위의 성격도 있어 보인다.

유엔 안보리는 지난 11일(현지 시간) 대북 원유 공급 제한을 포함한 제재 결의 2375호를 채택했다.

이에 대해 북한은 13일 외무성 보도를 통해 "미국의 주도 밑에 또다시 감행된 불법 무도한 제재 결의 채택 놀음은 우리로 하여금 우리가 선택한 길이 천만번 정당하다는 것을 확인하고 끝을 볼 때까지 이 길을 변함없이 더 빨리 가야 하겠다는 의지를 더욱 굳게 가다듬게 하는 계기로 되었다"며 핵·미사일 개발에 더욱 박차를 가할 의지를 천명했다.

문재인 정부 들어 북한의 도발은 이번이 11번째다. 이 가운데 미사일 발사는 10차례, 핵실험은 1차례다.





North Korea launches missile over Japan

(CNN)North Korea has fired a ballistic missile over northern Japan for the second time in less than a month, South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said Friday.

The unidentified ballistic missile was launched from the district of Sunan in the North Korean capital of Pyongyang, home to the country's main airport, the South Korean military said.
The missile flew about 3,700 kilometers (2,300 miles) and reached an altitude of 770 kilometers (480) miles. It landed in the Pacific Ocean, South Korea said.
The US Pacific Command said its initial assessment indicated that North Korea had fired an intermediate-range ballistic missile. There were conflicting reports from Japan on the type of missile fired, though the government stressed that analysis was ongoing.
The weapon that makes N. Korea more dangerous 01:12
A government warning, known as the J-Alert, said that "a missile" had passed over Hokkaido, northern Japan, before landing in the Pacific, NHK reported. "The government is advising people to stay away from anything that could be missile debris," the broadcaster said.
Japan's Coast Guard said no damage has been reported by the fallen object.
Speaking to reporters Friday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the launch was "totally unacceptable" and went against "the international community's strong, united will for a peaceful solution."
The international community needs to unite and send clear message after North Korea's dangerous provocation," he said. "We must let North Korea understand there is no bright future for North Korea if it continues in this way."
He said the Japanese government tracked the launch of the missile and "took all possible measures."
South Korean President Moon Jae-in held a National Security meeting following the launch, according to an official at his office.
North Korea's last missile test, on August 29, was also fired from near the Pyongyang airport and overflew northern Japan.
US President Donald Trump has been briefed on the launch. When asked by a pool reporter about the launch Thursday evening Washington time at a dinner reception, Trump did not comment.
In a statement, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the missile test was the second time the people of Japan "have been directly threatened in recent weeks."
"These continued provocations only deepen North Korea's diplomatic and economic isolation," Tillerson said.
"United Nations Security Council resolutions, including the most recent unanimous sanctions resolution, represent the floor, not the ceiling, of the actions we should take. We call on all nations to take new measures against the Kim regime."
He singled out Chinese oil supplies and Russia's use of North Korean migrant workers as two areas in which the two countries could take "direct action" against North Korea.
Japan and the US have requested the UN Security Council hold "urgent consultations" at 3 p.m. ET Friday, according to the Ethiopian Mission to the UN. Ethiopian Ambassador Tekeda Alemu is the current UN Security Council president.

First launch since nuclear test

The launch came just hours after the rogue nation responded to the United Nations Security Council's unanimous approval of additional sanctions by threatening to "sink" Japan and reduce the US mainland into "ash and darkness."
Those sanctions were prompted by North Korea's sixth nuclear test that occurred on September 3, which Pyongyang said was a successful test of a hydrogen bomb.
That explosion created a magnitude-6.3 tremor, making it the most powerful weapon Pyongyang has ever tested.
The nuclear test prompted discussions inside South Korea about the the redeployment of US tactical nuclear weapons in the country, an idea that the majority of the country's citizens approve of, according to recent polls.
But on Thursday, South Korean President Moon Jae-in dismissed the possibility, warning it could "lead to a nuclear arms race in northeast Asia."
"We need to develop our military capabilities in the face of North Korea's nuclear advancement," he told CNN in his first televised interview since the nuclear test. "I do not agree that South Korea needs to develop our own nuclear weapons or relocate tactical nuclear weapons in the face of North Korea's nuclear threat. To respond to North Korea by having our own nuclear weapons will not maintain peace on the Korean Peninsula and could lead to a nuclear arms race in northeast Asia."
South Korea has been conducting its own military drills since the September 3 nuclear test. As the missile was launched Friday, the South Korean military was carrying out its own live-fire drill that involved launching a ballistic missile.
Paula Hancocks interviews S. Korean president 02:39

A rapid pace

2017 has been a year of rapid progress for North Korea's missile program.
Less than six years into his reign, Kim Jong Un has tested more missiles than his father and grandfather combined. And this year has been no exception.
Prior to its most recent launch, the country has fired 21 missiles during 14 tests since February, further perfecting its technology with each launch.
There's also a political aspect to the tests, analysts say.
"This new missile test ... is both a reaction to the stringent UN sanctions of Monday evening and a wake-up call about the limits of sanctions and military threats as a way to change North Korea's behavior," said George A Lopez, a former member of the UN Security Council panel of experts for sanctions on North Korea.
He said Trump should use his speech to the UN General Assembly next week to "demonstrate US leadership in loyalty to all allies in the region and state our commitment to developing new and vibrant security guarantees for all states, including (North Korea), that are not based on the threat or use of nuclear weapons."

Peaceful pressure

Moon's strategy toward North Korea has drawn the wrath of US President Donald Trump, who accused the South Koreans of "appeasement" of their northern neighbors following the nuclear test.

North Korea has long maintained it wants nuclear weapons and long-range missiles to deter the United States from attempting to overthrow the regime of Kim Jong Un.

Pyongyang looks at states such as Iraq -- where Saddam Hussein was overthrown by the United States, and Libya -- its late leader, Moammar Gadhafi, gave up his nuclear ambitions for sanctions relief and aid, only to be toppled and killed after the United States intervened in his country's civil unrest -- and believes that only being able to threaten the US mainland with a retaliatory nuclear strike can stop American military intervention.

Many experts say they believe North Korea would not use the weapons first. Kim values his regime's survival above all else and knows the use of a nuclear weapon would start a war he could not win, analysts say.

The White House has been pursuing a strategy of what it calls "peaceful pressure" in dealing with North Korea -- trying to build a global coalition to squeeze North Korea's revenue and isolate it diplomatically so it will eventually put its missiles on the negotiating table.
China has been key to that strategy, as Beijing accounts for nearly 90% of all of North Korea's imports, according to recent data from the United Nations.
Hours before the launch, Trump touted his relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping and their collaboration in addressing North Korea's rapidly escalating missile and nuclear programs.
"We have a very good relationship with China and with the President of China. We are working on different things," Trump said. "I can't tell you, obviously, what I'm working on. But believe me, the people of this country will be very, very safe."
"I think that a lot of effort is being put into this," he added.
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편집실님의 댓글

편집실 작성일

北 6차 핵실험한 3일 이후 12일 만에 회의 주재…취임 후 5번째
北 발사 미사일, IRBM급 이상일 가능성 큰 듯

(서울=연합뉴스) 이상헌 김승욱 기자 = 문재인 대통령은 15일 오전 8시 국가안전보장회의(NSC) 전체회의를 열어 북한의 미사일 발사 대응 방안을 논의한다.

청와대는 애초 정의용 국가안보실장 주재로 NSC 상임위를 연다고 밝혔지만, 곧바로 문 대통령이 NSC 전체회의를 직접 주재할 예정이라고 정정했다.

문 대통령이 NSC 전체회의를 직접 주재하는 것은 취임 이후 5번째로, 북한이 6차 핵실험을 한 직후인 지난 3일 이후 12일 만이다.

문 대통령은 지금까지 북한이 ICBM(대륙간탄도미사일) 또는 IRBM(중거리탄도미사일)급 도발을 하거나 핵실험을 했을 때 직접 NSC 전체회의를 주재했다. 북한이 이날 발사한 미사일도 IRBM급 이상일 가능성이 큰 것으로 전해졌다.

북한이 미사일을 발사한 것은 지난달 29일 평양 순안 일대에서 중거리미사일(IRBM)을 발사한 지 17일 만이다.

북한의 이날 도발은 북한의 6차 핵실험에 대한 대응으로 유엔 안보리가 새 대북 제재 결의를 통과시킨 이후 처음으로, 국제사회의 제재와 압박에 대한 반발의 성격인 것으로 풀이된다.

앞서 북한은 이날 오전 평양 순안 일대에서 일본 동북 방향으로 미사일을 발사했으며, 해당 미사일은 일본 상공을 통과해 홋카이도 동쪽 2천㎞ 태평양에 낙하한 것으로 알려졌다.

합참은 북한이 발사한 미사일이 최대고도 770여㎞, 비행거리 3천700여㎞인 것으로 추정했다.

편집실님의 댓글

편집실 작성일

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea’s military says North Korea fired an unidentified missile from its capital Pyongyang in a continuation of weapons tests following its sixth and most powerful nuclear test to date on Sept. 3.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said Friday that the missile was launched from Sunan, the site of Pyongyang’s international airport.

The North last month used the airport to fire a Hwasong-12 intermediate range missile that flew over northern Japan in what it declared as a “meaningful prelude” to containing the U.S. Pacific island territory of Guam and the start of more ballistic missile launches targeting the Pacific Ocean.

반미자주님의 댓글

반미자주 작성일

미제국주의 세력의 대조선적대시정책이 중지되지 않는한 코리아반도 긴장은 사라지지 않는다.
투쟁없이 평화없고,
 대결없이 통일없다.

진도개님의 댓글

진도개 작성일

물고 뜯어 끝장을 내시라!
승리는 조선의 것이다.

해피좀비님의 댓글

해피좀비 작성일

그거 미사일 콱좀 괌도 때려주시지,,,ㅋㅋㅋ 미국아이색끼들 똥줄 갈기는거 구경하게요.


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노길남 박사 추모관

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