북 아태위원장, 대조선적대시 정책에 대한 담화문 발표 > 국제

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북 아태위원장, 대조선적대시 정책에 대한 담화문 발표

페이지 정보

작성자 편집실 작성일19-10-28 00:54 조회2,014회 댓글0건


김영철 조선아시아태평양평화위원회 위원장은 10월27일 대미 조선적대시 정책에 대한 태도를 지적하면서 "미국이 자기대통령과 우리 국무위원회 위원장과의 개인적친분관계를 내세워 시간끌기를 하면서 이해말을 무난히 넘겨보려고 생각한다면 그것은 어리석은 망상"이라고 말했다. 전문을 원문 그대로 여기에 소개한다.[민족통신 편집실]



김영철 조선아시아태평양평화위원회 위원장 담화


최근 미국이 우리의 인내심과 아량을 오판하면서 대조선적대시정책에 더욱 발광적으로 매달리고있다.

얼마전 유엔총회 제74차회의 1위원회회의에서 미국대표는 우리의 자위적국방력강화조치를 걸고들면서 미조대화에 눈을 감고 들어가지 않을것이라느니, 북조선이 FFVD를 위한 새로운 방법론을 제시해야 한다느니 하는 자극적인 망발을 늘어놓았다.

한편 미국은 다른 나라들에 유엔《제재결의》리행을 집요하게 강박하고있으며 추종국가들을 내세워 유엔총회에서 반공화국결의안들을 통과시키기 위해 각방으로 책동하고있다.

지어 미전략군사령관지명자라는 놈은 국회 상원에서 증언하면서 우리 국가를 《불량배국가》로 악의에 차서 헐뜯었으며 미군부호전세력들은 우리를 겨냥한 핵타격훈련까지 계획하고있다고 한다.

제반 상황은 미국이 셈법전환과 관련한 우리의 요구에 부응하기는커녕 이전보다 더 교활하고 악랄한 방법으로 우리를 고립압살하려 하고있다는것을 보여준다.

미국의 이러한 적대행위들과 잘못된 관행들로 하여 몇번이나 탈선되고 뒤틀릴번 했던 조미관계가 그나마 지금까지 유지되고있는것은 김정은 국무위원회 위원장과 트럼프대통령사이에 형성된 친분관계의 덕분이라고 해야 할것이다.

그러나 모든것에는 한계가 있는 법이다.

조미수뇌들사이의 친분관계는 결코 민심을 외면할수 없으며 조미관계악화를 방지하거나 보상하기 위한 담보가 아니다.

미국이 우리가 신뢰구축을 위하여 취한 중대조치들을 저들의 《외교적성과물》로 포장하여 선전하고있지만 조미관계에서는 그 어떤 실제적인 진전이 이룩된것이 없으며 지금 당장이라도 불과 불이 오갈수 있는 교전관계가 그대로 지속되고있다.

미국이 자기대통령과 우리 국무위원회 위원장과의 개인적친분관계를 내세워 시간끌기를 하면서 이해말을 무난히 넘겨보려고 생각한다면 그것은 어리석은 망상이다.

나는 영원한 적도, 영원한 벗도 없다는 외교적명구가 영원한 적은 있어도 영원한 친구는 없다는 격언으로 바뀌지 않기를 바란다.

주체108(2019)년 10월 27일

평     양


N Korea Official Warns US of Permanent Enmity

페이지 정보


Kim Yong Chol, chairman of the Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee of DPRK, (KAPPC) made public a statement on Oct. 27. The statement reads: The U.S. is now more desperately resorting to the hostile policy towards the DPRK, misjudging the patience and tolerance of the DPRK.


Kim Yong Chol warns US of permanent enmity

By KAPPC Chairman Kim Yong Chol

KAPPC Chairman
Kim Yong Chol
Kim Yong Chol, chairman of the Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee, (KAPPC) made public a statement on Oct. 27. The statement reads:

The U.S. is now more desperately resorting to the hostile policy towards the DPRK, misjudging the patience and tolerance of the DPRK.

Faulting the DPRK on its measure for bolstering up its military capability for self-defence at the recent meeting of the First Committee of the 74th United Nations General Assembly, the U.S. delegate said the U.S. would not enter the U.S.-DPRK dialogue with its eyes shut and north Korea must come up with a new methodology for FFVD, which got on the nerves of the DPRK.

The U.S. is persistently pressurizing other countries into implementing the UN "sanctions resolutions" and is leaving no stone unturned to get the anti-DPRK resolutions passed in the UN General Assembly, using its satellite countries.

The U.S. strategic forces commander nominee, speaking at the Senate, called the DPRK "a rogue state" out of an evil intent, and the warlike forces of the U.S. military are reportedly planning nuclear strike exercises against the DPRK.

The situation points to the U.S. intent to isolate and stifle the DPRK in a more crafty and vicious way than before, instead of complying with our call for a change in its calculation method.

The DPRK-U.S. relations that could have been derailed and fallen apart several times due to such hostile acts and wrong habitual practices on the part of the U.S. are still maintained. It goes to the credit of the close personal relations between Chairman of the State Affairs Commission Kim Jong Un and President Trump.

But there is a limit to everything.

The close personal relations can never be kept aloof from the public mindset and they are never a guarantee for preventing the DPRK-U.S. relations from getting aggravated or for making up for.

The U.S. trumpets the crucial measures taken by the DPRK for confidence-building as its own "diplomatic gains" but no substantial progress has been made in the DPRK-U.S. relations and belligerent relations still persists that there can be the exchange of fire any moment.

The U.S. is seriously mistaken if it is of the idea of passing off in peace the end of this year, by exploiting the close personal relations between its president and the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK for the delaying tactics.

My hope is that the diplomatic adage that there is neither permanent foe nor permanent friend does not change into the one that there is a permanent foe but no permanent friend.

(KCNA - October 27, 2019)


N Korea Official Warns US of Permanent Enmity

페이지 정보

작성자 편집실 ( 작성일19-10-29 09:47 조회1회 댓글0건



Kim Yong Chol, chairman of the Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee of DPRK, (KAPPC) made public a statement on Oct. 27. The statement reads: The U.S. is now more desperately resorting to the hostile policy towards the DPRK, misjudging the patience and tolerance of the DPRK.


Kim Yong Chol warns US of permanent enmity

By KAPPC Chairman Kim Yong Chol

KAPPC Chairman
Kim Yong Chol
Kim Yong Chol, chairman of the Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee, (KAPPC) made public a statement on Oct. 27. The statement reads:

The U.S. is now more desperately resorting to the hostile policy towards the DPRK, misjudging the patience and tolerance of the DPRK.

Faulting the DPRK on its measure for bolstering up its military capability for self-defence at the recent meeting of the First Committee of the 74th United Nations General Assembly, the U.S. delegate said the U.S. would not enter the U.S.-DPRK dialogue with its eyes shut and north Korea must come up with a new methodology for FFVD, which got on the nerves of the DPRK.

The U.S. is persistently pressurizing other countries into implementing the UN "sanctions resolutions" and is leaving no stone unturned to get the anti-DPRK resolutions passed in the UN General Assembly, using its satellite countries.

The U.S. strategic forces commander nominee, speaking at the Senate, called the DPRK "a rogue state" out of an evil intent, and the warlike forces of the U.S. military are reportedly planning nuclear strike exercises against the DPRK.

The situation points to the U.S. intent to isolate and stifle the DPRK in a more crafty and vicious way than before, instead of complying with our call for a change in its calculation method.

The DPRK-U.S. relations that could have been derailed and fallen apart several times due to such hostile acts and wrong habitual practices on the part of the U.S. are still maintained. It goes to the credit of the close personal relations between Chairman of the State Affairs Commission Kim Jong Un and President Trump.

But there is a limit to everything.

The close personal relations can never be kept aloof from the public mindset and they are never a guarantee for preventing the DPRK-U.S. relations from getting aggravated or for making up for.

The U.S. trumpets the crucial measures taken by the DPRK for confidence-building as its own "diplomatic gains" but no substantial progress has been made in the DPRK-U.S. relations and belligerent relations still persists that there can be the exchange of fire any moment.

The U.S. is seriously mistaken if it is of the idea of passing off in peace the end of this year, by exploiting the close personal relations between its president and the Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK for the delaying tactics.

My hope is that the diplomatic adage that there is neither permanent foe nor permanent friend does not change into the one that there is a permanent foe but no permanent friend.

(KCNA - October 27, 2019)


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