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김정은위원장 신년사에 미언론들도 관심집중

페이지 정보

작성자 편집실 작성일18-12-30 00:56 조회2,443회 댓글0건


[로스엔젤레스=민족통신 종합] 조미간의 정상회담으로 세계 주목을 모았던 <6.12싱가폴 회담>이 미당국의 소극적인 자세와 2중적인 자세로 코리아반도 평화문제와 비핵화문제가 교착 상태에 빠져 세계인들의 우려를 낳고 있는 요즈음 워싱턴 포스트를 비롯하여 <불름버그 통신>등은 2019년 1월1일에 발표될 조선의 최고지도자 김정은위원장의 신년사에 세계적 관심이 쏠리고 있다.

미국 일간지 <Washington Post>는 지난 12월27일 외교전문 평론가인 David Ignatius(데이비드 이그네이셔스)의 특별기고글을 통해 북미교착상태가 어떻게 될지 그 전망을 김정은 위원장의 신년사에서 볼수 있을 것이라고 전망할 정도로 조선의 신년사에 미국의 관심도 담겨있다.  했다. 

이그네이셔스 평론가는 <트럼프가 조선과의 협상을 되살릴 수 있을까(Can Trump Revive His Deal With North Korea?>라는 글을 통해 지난 19일 스티븐 비건 미국무부 대북정책특별대표와 트럼프 미대통령의 움직임을 보면서 방북금지 해제조치 등을 포함하여 대북유화정책을 시도하고 있는 것에 대한 조선의 반응이 신년사를 통해 나올수 있을 것이라면서 꼬였던 조미문제가 신년사를 통해 다시 살아날 가능서이 있다고 내다봤다.  

워싱턴포스트의 외교전문가 기고글은 아래와 같다.






Can Trump revive his deal with North Korea?




North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (left) and South Korean President Moon Jae-in hold hands as they cross the Military Demarcation Line (MDL) to the Northern side of the border at the village of Panmunjom in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in Paju, South Korea, April 27, 2018. (Inter-Korean Summit Press Corps/Bloomberg)
December 27

Here’s one New Year’s resolution that should be easy: The United States and North Korea should resume the diplomatic progress they began in 2018 toward peace and denuclearization.

It’s a measure of this year’s turbulent pace that the Singapore summit between President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un just six months ago now seems a distant memory. The promise of that meeting disappeared soon after it took place, in a stalemate that led many analysts to question whether Kim had ever been serious about giving up nuclear weapons.

Perhaps the North Korean opening will turn out to be a hoax, as critics have argued, but it’s too soon to make that judgment. The priority for now should be to transform the promises made in Singapore into verifiable steps toward “complete denuclearization” and “a lasting and stable peace regime.”

The Trump administration has been sending the right signals lately. Stephen Biegun, the special representative for North Korea, offered a small but symbolic concession on Dec. 19 in Seoul, when he said Washington would review its ban on U.S. travel to North Korea to ease humanitarian aid to that country.

Trump amplified the positive message with a Dec. 24 tweet that showed him with Biegun and National Security Council aide Allison Hooker: “Christmas Eve briefing with my team working on North Korea — Progress being made. Looking forward to my next summit with Chairman Kim!”

Trump’s offer to meet again with Kim is one of the puzzle pieces for 2019. “Counting on it” is how Secretary of State Mike Pompeo described the planned second summit in a Dec. 20 interview with NPR’s Steve Inskeep. “There remains a long ways to go but we are, we are hard at it, even today,” Pompeo said.

“I want to reiterate that the future can be very bright for North Korea if it makes good on its commitment to final, fully verified denuclearization. It will lead to . . . greater prosperity for the North Korean people, and to an enduring peace,” Pompeo told the United Nations back in September.

The administration’s recent gestures are clearly meant to coax a reciprocal response from Kim. For months, Washington has been waiting for a clear road map toward denuclearization; without it, a second installment of the showy Singapore-style summitry may backfire.

Kim’s answer may come in his annual New Year’s Day speech. Recent North Korean statements have stressed that, in North Korea’s view, the Singapore communique’s commitment to “work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula” doesn’t refer just to the North’s weapons but to U.S. weapons that could threaten Pyongyang. Some of these statements have been hard-edged, but there has been no sign that Kim is planning to make a U-turn.

“If he chooses not to lead us on a merry chase through the rhetorical brambles, but to be fairly straightforward on engaging the U.S. . . . we might see a bit of traction soon,” says one prominent Korea watcher of Kim’s speech next Tuesday.

Domestic support for the Singapore framework matters now, when Democrats are about to take control of the House and Trump’s broader foreign policy is under fire. Skepticism about Kim’s promises is certainly warranted given the diplomatic gridlock since Singapore. But even Trump’s sharpest critics should agree that backsliding into military confrontation would be a mistake.

“How do you build a floor under the accomplishments that have been made so far, so that they aren’t washed away?” asks Robert Carlin, a former CIA and State Department analyst who has visited North Korea more than two dozen times. He fears that the commitments Trump and Kim made in Singapore could collapse as quickly as did the Clinton administration’s 1994 “Agreed Framework” with North Korea after Republicans gained the White House in 2001.

What needs to be preserved, above all, is the halt in North Korean nuclear and missile testing. Pompeo highlighted this centerpiece last week in the NPR interview: “They’re not firing rockets. They’re not conducting nuclear tests.” Any resumption of North Korean testing could have disastrous results.

Impatience and bombast have been hallmarks of Trump’s foreign policy. But he evidently views the diplomatic opening with North Korea as a “win” for his presidency, and he’s willing to wait on the details. As Pompeo put it to NPR, people shouldn’t expect “instant pudding.” But at some point, the pudding needs to harden, or it will just be mush.

Trump got many things wrong in foreign policy this past year. But he made the right start on North Korea, and sensible people should hope that his dialogue with Kim will deepen into a real transformation of the Korean Peninsula.

Read more from David Ignatius’s archivefollow him on Twitter or subscribe to his updates on Facebook.



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