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미 TV방송 CNN 평양서 미국죄수들 특별대담

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일14-09-02 13:33 조회6,098회 댓글0건


[로스엔젤레스=민족통신 종합] 미국 보도전문  테레비죤  방송,CNN이 9월1일 대담한 내용을 이 방송 웹사이트가 9월2일자로 북에 억류된 미국인 죄수들(재미동포 케네스 배 포함 3명)과 특별대담을 방영해 국제사회 관심을 모으고 있다. 

대담자들은 조선의 처우는 인도적 대우를 해주고 있으나 미정부 당국의 석방노력에 대해서는 불만족을 표명하는 한편 미 당국의 고위급 인사들의 석방노력을 촉구하기도 했다.

CNN이 보도한 내용을 원문 그대로 아래에 소개한다.  

[사진]15년 노동교화소로 선고받은 케네스 배가 병원에서 다시 노동교화소로 들어가 일하고 있는 모습 

[사진]미국 죄수3명

[사진]제프리 에드워드 파울
[사진]미국죄수-매트 토드 밀러


Pyongyang, North Korea (CNN) -- Three Americans detained in North Korea spoke out about their conditions and pleaded for U.S. help in interviews with CNN.

Kenneth Bae, Matthew Todd Miller and Jeffrey Edward Fowle were presented to CNN's Will Ripley at a Pyongyang hotel Monday. Each was given five minutes for an interview.

All three men said they hope the U.S. government will send an envoy to North Korea to help get them out of their situations, similar to how former President Bill Clinton helped secure the release of two journalists in 2009.

Bae, who is serving a 15-year prison sentence for "hostile acts to bring down its government," said he is working eight hours a day, six days a week at a labor camp.

What could be up Kim Jong Un's sleeve?

North Korea claimed Bae was part of a Christian plot to overthrow the regime.

CNN talks with Americans held in North Korea
American wrestlers travel to North Korea
CNN tours Kim Jong Un's water park

"Right now what I can say to my friends and family is, continue to pray for me," he said.

Despite what he called "hard labor," Bae said he has been treated "as humanely as possible."

Miller, who is accused of tearing up his tourist visa and seeking asylum upon entry, implored the U.S. government for help during his interview.

He said he wanted to tell the United States that "my situation is very urgent, that very soon I am going to trial, and I would directly be sent to prison."

He said he will not learn of his charges until he goes to trial.

Fowle, an American tourist accused of leaving a Bible in a hotel where he was staying, said he has "no complaints" about his treatment.

"It's been very good so far, and I hope and pray that it continues, while I'm here two more days or two more decades," he said.

All three men said they have signed statements admitting their guilt. North Korean officials monitored and recorded all three interviews, and CNN was unable to assess independently the conditions under which the men were being held.

U.S. National Security Council spokesman Patrick Ventrell said Monday that securing the Americans' release "is a top priority and we have followed these cases closely in the White House. We continue to do all we can to secure their earliest possible release."

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said, "There is no greater priority for us than the welfare and safety of U.S. citizens abroad.

"Out of humanitarian concern for Jeffrey Fowle, Matthew Miller, and their families, we request the DPRK release them so they may return home," Psaki said, using the initials for North Korea's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. "We also request the DPRK pardon Kenneth Bae and grant him special amnesty and immediate release so he may reunite with his family and seek medical care. We continue to work actively to secure these three U.S. citizens' release."

The Swedish Embassy in Pyongyang acts as the "protecting power for issues involving U.S. citizens in North Korea," and the United States is in "regular, close coordination" with the embassy, she said. Swedish representatives visited Fowle on June 20, Miller on May 9 and June 21, and Bae 12 times since his detention, most recently on August 11 in a labor camp, Psaki said.

Surprise meetings

The circumstances leading up to the CNN interviews were bizarre.

A CNN team was on a government tour about two hours outside Pyongyang when it learned it had to leave immediately to meet with a high-level government official in the capital.

The crew boarded a van to a secret location, where it found out the meeting was with the three Americans.

Bae's family has been pushing for his release due to his worsening health. The 46-year-old suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure and has kidney stones.

"I've been going back and forth between hospital and to the labor camp for the last year and a half," Bae told Ripley on Monday.

He said his health has "been failing" over the past 1½ months.

"My hands are numb and tingling, and it's difficult sleeping at night, and I was working in the field every day," Bae said.

U.S. officials have repeatedly called on North Korea to release Bae but to no avail.

Even former basketball star Dennis Rodman, who has visited North Korea and called its ruler Kim Jong Un a "friend for life," asked Kim to "do me a solid and cut Kenneth Bae loose."

Terri Chung, Bae's sister, told CNN on Monday the video was "really difficult to watch" because her brother is generally "full of life and very cheerful. ... It is clear from the video that he is under a lot of stress. And he talks about his health failing and being in complete isolation for almost two years. And it is devastating for our family to see that on TV."

But she told "New Day" that "I think he's doing the best he can. ... Two years of being isolated and working in a labor camp, I know it is not easy. So I think you can see it is taking a toll both physically and mentally."

The U.S. government has been working "behind the scenes to try to procure his release, and we are once again reiterating our thanks, but also too pleading with our government to continue their efforts to secure his release immediately," she added, describing her brother as a "hardworking father of three."

Chung later released a statement asking the North Korean authorities to have mercy.

"It is in your power to release my brother. You could do it today. Please do so. He has confessed to the crimes for which he has been charged, and he has served a longer detainment than any other American since the war," Chung said.

Miller: 'I deliberately committed my crime'

Dressed in a black turtleneck and often staring at the ground in his interview, Miller said he has admitted his guilt -- even though he won't learn of his charges until he goes to trial.

"But I will say that I prepared to violate the law of the DPRK before coming here," Miller said.

"And I deliberately committed my crime. I have already admitted my guilt and apologized to the government of the DPRK and I have been asking for forgiveness."

When asked why he reportedly sought asylum in North Korea, Miller said he already discussed his motive during his investigation and that "for the interview, it is not necessary."

He expressed frustration that "there's been no movement from my government."

"The American government is known for having a strong policy of protecting its citizens, yet for my case there is still no movement," he said.

Fowle describes 'desperate situation'

North Korea announced Fowle's detention in June, saying he had violated the law by acting "contrary to the purpose of tourism."

"The charges are violations of DPRK law, which stems from me trying to leave a Bible," the 56-year-old told Ripley.

"It's a covert act and a violation of tourists rules. I've admitted my guilt to the government and signed a statement to that effect and requested forgiveness from the people and the government of the DPRK."

Fowle said he expects his trial to start within a month.

"You guys should convey my desperate situation," he said.

"I've got a wife and three elementary school-aged kids that depend on me for support."

조선에 억류 중인 미국인들이 CNN과의 대담을 통해 특사 파견 등 미국 정부의 적극적인 석방 노력을 요청했으며 자신들은 조선 정부로 부터 인도적 대우를 받고 있다고 말했다.


조선에 대한 적대행위와 간첩 행위 등으로 억류 중인 3명의 미국인들은 지난 1일 북측의 배려에 의해 미국 언론과 최초로 한사람 당 5분 동안 대담을 가졌다.


한국계 미국인 케네스 배(배준호) 씨는 대담에서 “내가 처한 상황을 해결하기 위해서는 특사가 와야 한다고 믿는다”며 “미국 정부가 최대한 빨리 특사를 보내주길 바란다"면서 “집에 돌아가서 가족과 다시 만날 수 있는 유일한 희망은 특사가 파견되는 것”이라고 말했다.


배준호씨는 "병원에서 교화소로 이감된 이후 건강이 악화돼 몸무게가 7kg이나 줄었고 교화소에서 생활을 하기가 힘들다며 미국 정부의 도움이 필요하다"고 주장했다.

배씨는 지난 2012년 11월 함경북도 라선을 통해 조선을 방문했다가 당국에 체포 돼 반공화국 적대범죄로 억류됐으며 이듬해 재판에서 15년 노동교화형을 선고받았다.


그는 "지난 1년 6개월 동안 특별교화소와 병원을 오갔다는 배 씨는 교화소에서 하루에 8시간, 1주일에 6일을 농사나 다른 종류의 중노동을 하지만 조선측으로부터 인도적 대우를 받고 있다"며 미국의 적극적인 석방 노력을 촉구했다.


지난 4월 조선에 들어갔다가 5월 범죄를 저지른 혐의로 억류 된 제프리 에드워드 파울 씨는 대담에서 “현재는 지내기가 좋지만 점점 더 도움을 바라는 심정이 절박해지고 있다”며 빌 클린턴 전 대통령이나 조지 부시 전 대통령이 북한에 와서 자신들을 도울 수 있을 것이라고 밝혔다.


파울 씨는 인터뷰 대부분을 가족들이 처한 어려움을 설명하는데 할애했다. "아내와 초등학교에 다니는 아들 3 명이 자신의 벌이에 의지하고 있어 현재 생활이 어렵다"며
자신의 억류가 9월을 넘어 더욱 장기화 되면 직장을 잃을 수도 있다고 우려했다.


파울 씨는 자신이 청진 시의 술집 (seamen’s club)에 성경을 두고 나오려 했다며, 이는 관광의 목적에 맞지 않게 조선 법을 위반한 것이라고 자신의 범죄행위를 인정했다


매튜 토드 밀러 씨는 5분의 인터뷰 시간 중 3분 만을 사용하며 미국 정부에 대한 요구만 담담히 이야기 했다.


밀러 씨는 “미국 정부가 강력한 시민보호 정책을 펴지만 내 경우에는 아무런 움직임이 없었다”며 지난달 미국 대통령에게 편지도 썼지만 답장이 없었다고 불만을 토로했다.


밀러 씨는 "미국 정부나 누군가가 자신을 돕기 위해 최선을 다한다고 믿고 싶다"며 "나는 곧 재판을 받을 예정이고 이후 곧바로 감옥으로 보내질 것이기 때문에 상황이 매우 급박하다, 이번 방송 인터뷰가 미국 정부를 움직일 수 있는 자신의 마지막 기회라고 생각한다"며 절박한 심정을 호소했다.

그는자신의 혐의에 대해서는 "조선에 오기 전부터 법을 어기기 위해 준비했으며, 고의성이 있었다”고 밝히고 "북에 체포 될 것도 충분히 예상하고 있었다"고 말해 조선에대한 범죄행위가
사전에 준비 되었음을 호가인했다.


한편 조선이 미국인 억류자들과 대담을 대외 매체에 허용한 것은 재일동포 신문인조선신보와 AP통신에 이어 CNN이 세번째이며 미국 관리들이 지난 16일 극비 방북 후 나온 것이어서 배경에 관심이 쏠리고 있다.

[대담 내용 요약-자주민보 보도]

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