북 인구조사(2):평양시 인구는 3백25만5천288명 집계 > 사회, 문화

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북 인구조사(2):평양시 인구는 3백25만5천288명 집계

페이지 정보

작성자 민족통신 작성일10-03-19 00:35 조회4,016회 댓글0건


[로스엔젤레스=민족통신 종합]평양특별시의 인구는 3백25만5천288명으로 2008년도 유엔인구지원기금에
의해 실시된 인구조사에서 공식적으로 밝혀졌는데 이 인구 분포도는 북녘 총인구의 13.9%에 해당되었다.
이에 비해 남녘의 서울특별시 인구는 총인구 대비 20.8%(2005년 조사)로 나타나 수도권 인구밀도가 남한이
북한에 비해 훨씬 높은 것으로 집계되었다.

북 인구조사(2):

평양시 인구는 3백25만5천288명으로 공식집계

[로스엔젤레스=민족통신 종합]평양특별시의 인구는 3백25만5천288명으로 2008년도 유엔인구지원기금에 의해 실시된 인구조사에서 공식적으로 밝혀졌는데 이 인구 분포도는 북녘 총<##IMAGE##>인구의 13.9%에 해당되었다. 이에 비해 남녘의 서울특별시 인구는 총인구 대비 20.8%(2005년 조사)로 나타나 수도권 인구밀도가 남한이 북한에 비해 훨씬 높은 것으로 집계되었다고 한겨레신문 19일자 영자판이 특별기획으로 보도했다.

이 보도에 따르면 북의 도시 거주민들은 10사람 당 6사람 꼴(60%)로 나타났다. 농촌 거주민은 9백20만명으로 전체 인구의 39.4%로 나타났고, 도시는 1천4백16만명으로 전체 인구의 60.6%로 집계되었다. 또한 북녘 동포들의 평균 수명은 남자가 64.33살이고, 여자가 71.26살로 여자가 남자자보다 약 7살 정도 많은 것으로 나타났다.이것은 세계인구의 평균수명 보다는 4.4살 높으나 남녘 동포들의 평균수명 보다는 낮은 것으로 집계되었다.

이번 인구조사에서 북 인민군(정규군)은 70만명 가량으로 나타났고, 군인을 제외한 행정기관에서 근무하는 공무원들의 숫자는 총 699,020명인데 이중 남자는 425,319명, 여자는 273,701명으로 집계된 것으로 밝혀졌다.

이 인구조사를 분석한 서울대학의 사회학과 박경숙 교수는 인구조사 내용들 중 부분적으로 통계에 나타나지 않은 경우들도 있다고 지적하면서 이것은 군사적으로 보안이 필요하여 밝히지 않은 것으로 유추한다고 설명했다.

<관련보도 자료--여기를 짤각하여 열람하세요

*북 인구조사(1)총 인구 <2천4백5만2천231명>으로 공식집계

[North Korea Census 2008]

Pyongyang City Population is 3,255,288

[North Korea Census 2008]
Pyongyang drawing in N.Korean workers and resources
Census figures indicate that the capital is increasing internal migration

The final report for the North Korea’s 2008 census lists Pyongyang as the only city in North Korea with a population greater than one million. Pyongyang’s 3,255,288 residents account for 13.9 percent of the entire North Korean population. This is lower than the estimated percentage of the total South Korean population residing in Seoul, which was 20.8 percent as of the 2005 census.

However, it also indicates that the “revolutionary capital” of Pyongyang is functioning as a black hole, drawing in North Korean workers and resources. Indeed, whereas only 3.5 percent of the total North Korean population aged five or older, or 427,376 people, are domestic migrants who had moved between counties within the past years, some 8.6 percent of Pyongyang residents have domestic migration experience, a far greater percentage than in other regions. This represents 35 percent of all people in the country with domestic migration experience. This means that internal migration is rare for North Korean society as a whole, but relatively frequent in the case of Pyongyang. The internal migration rate in South Korea is 17.1 percent in 2009, with 11.6 percent of transfer taking place within cities or provinces and 5.5 between cities and provinces.

The census also shows around six of every ten North Koreans to be living in cities. The population in agricultural villages is 9,194,466 people, or 39.4 percent, while the urban population is 14,155,393 people, or 60.6 percent. Infant mortality, at 19.3 per 1,000 live births, is lower than the world average of 46, but far higher than the 4.1 recorded by South Korea in 2006. Average life expectancy was 64.33 years for men and 71.26 years for women, with the 6.93 year difference between men and women, higher than the world average of 4.4 years. The life expectancy figures were roughly twelve years below the respective figures for men and women in South Korea as of 2008, which showed men living an average of 76.5 years and women an average of 83.3 years.

[North Korea Census 2008]
Korean People’s Army estimated to number 700 thousand troops
The census figures indicate the size of the army
is much lower than S. Korea’s estimates of 1.19 million troops

<##IMAGE##> According to the final report on North Korea’s 2008 census, the population of the country listed under the category of ‘sex’ is 11,721,838 men and 12,330,393 women, for a total population of 24,052,231. However, under the category of ‘region,’ the totals are 11,059,489 men and 12,290,370 women, for a total population of 23,349,859. In other words, some 702,372 people are missing from the second total.

What accounts for the difference? One clue is the fact that the total population by region omits the population residing in military camps, which is included in the population under the category of sex. Additionally, men accounted for 94.3 percent of the omitted population, or 662,349 people, while women represented just 5.7 percent, or 40,023 people. According to age, some 96.4 percent of the omitted total, or 676,737 people, were in the population aged 15 to 29. In particular, people aged 20 to 24 accounted for 57 percent, or 400,052, of the omitted number. In short, this means that men aged 15 to 29 were systematically left out of the estimates for total population by region. Seoul National University Professor Park Keong-suk, who analyzed the census results, said, “This appears to indicate an attempt by North Korean authorities, for security reasons, to avoid clear information coming to light on the distribution of population at military camps by region.”

In any event, the results of the census, which included military camps in examination, essentially confirm a population of 702,372 people residing at military camps in North Korea. Does this mean that the total scale of the North Korean People’s Army is just over 700 thousand troops? It is still too early to reach any conclusions. According to a statistic on “distribution of economically active population aged 16 and older by region,” a total of 699,020 people (425,319 men, 273,701 women) were listed as being employed in the areas of public administration, national defense and social security. These figures do not include residents at military camps, and due to a lack of detailed information, it is impossible to confirm how many of these 699,020 people are employed in the area of national defense.

Thus, while a precise determination is impossible, it can be estimated that the scale of the Korean People’s Army is 702,372 troops plus some additional, unspecified number. This differs markedly from South Korean Ministry of National Defense estimates, which put the size of North Korea’s regular army at 1.19 million people as of December 2008. In view of the fact that 27 percent of enlisted men in the South Korean military as of 2008 were noncommisioned and commissioned officers with addresses outside their bases, analysts say there are grounds for viewing the Defense Ministry’s estimates on the scale of the North Korean army as inflated.
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