"수세기 동안 10억명 희생, 왜 그럴까?"-제4언론 보도 > 국제

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"수세기 동안 10억명 희생, 왜 그럴까?"-제4언론 보도

페이지 정보

작성자 편집실 작성일16-07-07 06:15 조회3,695회 댓글1건


수세기 동안 10억명이 되는 사람들이 희생당했다. 왜 그럴까?  다음은 제4언론 편집국에서 보내온 편지와 함께 안드레 블레첵 논평가와 남녘의 30대청년과이 주고 받은 대화를 번역하여 소개한 글이다. 해내외 동포사회에서 그리고 국제사회에서 평화운동, 통일운동하는 독자들에게 도움이 되는 글이어서 여기에 게재하여 소개한다.[민족통신 편집실]

어제 안드레 블레첵 선생이 우리나라 남녘의 30대 청년과 나눈 대화인데 그가 번역작업을 마쳤다며 원문의 취지와 뜻에 대한 번역이 잘 되었는지 만약 잘 되었다면 우리나라 독자들에게 널리 소개가 되었으면 좋겠다는 편지를 보내왔습니다.

그리고 순식 간에 번역본과 원문을 읽어내려갔습니다. 아주 대단히 훌륭한 번역일 뿐만 아니라 남녘에 이런 정도의 실력을 갖춘 끌끌한 청년들이 있다는 사실이 몹시 놀랐고 기쁘고 고마웠습니다. 

블레첵 선생 자신이 놀랄 정도로 청년의 사고의 깊이가 있고 진실하고 폭이 넓다는 평을 보내왔습니다.

본래 영어원문은 6월 8일 그의 기사가 본래 옛날부터 처음 실리는 카운터펀치에 실렸던 것을 어제 블레첵 선생이 다시 보내와서 저희 The 4th Media에도 새롭게 기사화해서 올렸습니다. 

"김돌"이란 청년의 번역기사가 널리 소개되기를 희망해서 소개합니다. 참고가 되시기 바랍니다.

아래는 청년의 페이스북에 본인이 올린 번역기사이고 아래는 블레첵 선생의 제4언론 원문기사입니다.

건투를 빕니다.

The 4th Media


내가 안드레 블첵 기자에게 던진 질문과 그에 대한 답변이 신문 기사로 실리게 되었다.

그는 기자로서그리고 사상가로서 세계를 돌아다니며 서방 세계가 벌이는 거짓과 폭력을 직접 관찰하여 글과 영상으로 고발하는 일을 하는 사람이다어떤 사람인지 이해를 돕기 위해 굳이 비교하자면 노암 촘스키 교수와 비슷한 세계관을 가지고 활동하는 사람으로서그와 촘스키 교수와의 대담이 책으로 출간되기도 했다(한국에 은밀한 그러나 잔혹한서양이 저지른 기나긴 테러의 역사라는 제목으로 번역됨). 하지면 그는 교수가 아닌 기자이기 때문에 보다 활동적으로 현장을 찾아 다니면서 보고 듣고 느낀 바를 전하는 타입이다그런데 그의 보고는 자못 충격적이며 우리가 지금까지 믿고 있었던 것들이 정말 진실인지 되돌아보게 만든다.

우리  많은 사람은 제국주의가 20세기 중반 이후로 사라졌거나 최소한  위세가 현저하게 줄어들었다고 믿고 있다그리고 소위 ‘선진국들 여러 가지 국제기구와 조약 등을 통해 세계의 민주화를 위해 노력하고 있다고 믿고 있다그러나 안드레 블첵 기자의 주장에 따르면 여전히 세계는 제국주의로 신음하고 있고 자본주의는 제국주의와 필수불가결한 동반자로서 위력을 떨치고 있다사실 조금만 역사를 돌아봐도 자본주의가 제국주의를 촉발시켰다는 것은 너무도 분명한 사실이며자본주의가 극에 달해있는 오늘날에 제국주의가 사라졌다고 믿을만한 근거는 전혀 없다그런데도 우리는 마치 최면이라도 걸린 것처럼  간의 관계를 의식하지 못하고 있으며그로 인해  세계에서 벌어지고 있는 착취학살잔혹행위 등에 자연스레 귀를 닫게 되었다그리고 북한을 바라보는 우리의 시각도 실은 대단히 제국주의적인 산물일  있다북한의 주민을 괴롭히는 것이 정말 김정은정권인지아니면 북한을 호시탐탐 노리는 외부 세력인지도 한번 생각해볼 필요가 있다.

지금 내가 포스팅을 하는 목적은 블첵 기자와의 인터뷰 전문을 번역해서 공개하는 것이기 때문에 여기서  서론이 길어져서는 안되겠다그는 일차적으로 나에게 답변을 해준 것이지만사실은 모든 한국인들이 읽어보라고  글을  것이다그런 연유로  질문을 답해주는 대신  답변을 공개적인 인터뷰 형식으로 신문에 올리자고 제안하였다그가 숨막히도록 바쁜 와중에도 최선을 다해 내게 자세히 답해준 만큼 나는 그의 답변을 한국어로  번역하여 최소한 지인들에게라도 알려야 한다는 모종의 강력한 책임의식을 갖고 있다나는 원문의 내용과 뉘앙스가 정확하게 전달되면서도 쉽게익힐  있도록 최선을 다해 번역했지만매우 번역하기 까다로운 글이었기 때문에 의도한 바대로  되었는지는 모르겠다이런 번역을 자투리 시간을 쪼개서 하는 것은 실로 쉽지 않은 일이라 기사가 기고된  벌써 한달 가까운 시간이 흘렀다.

아래의 내용은 한국사회에서 매우 민감한 사안이기 때문에 신중하게 다룰 주제이지만 그만큼 우리가 눈을 감아왔던 주제이기도 하다이에 동의하지 않을 수도 있지만동의 여부를 떠나서  글을 읽는 것은 새로운 이면에 대해서 생각하고 바라볼  있는 신선한 계기가  것이다나도 아직은 어떤 뚜렷한 견해가 있는 것이 아니라 여태껏 한국의 특수한 분위기 속에서 차단되었던 목소리를 찾아서 듣고 정말 진실은 무엇인가를 찾고 있는 과정일 뿐이다그래서 블첵 기자에게 대화 내용 공개 제안을 받고는 나에게 이런 질문이 나오게  맥락을 보다 자세하게 써서 덧붙였다부디  넓은 시야를 갖고 생각하는  도움이 되는 글이기를 바란다.

여기 링크되어있는 글은 진보 언론사인 Global

Research 올린 인터뷰 원문인데블첵 기자는 이곳뿐 아니라 그가 활동하고 있는 몇몇 다른 진보 언론사에도 동일한 내용의 글을 기고하였다.

다음은 인터뷰 전문에 대한 번역이다.


김돌 씨와의 대화


결국 저는 최근에 북한에 가해진 제재가 ‘정의롭지 못하다 것을 깨달았습니다.”

 글귀는 2016 5 내가 독자로부터 받은 편지에서 인용한 것이다편지의 발신자인 김돌 씨는 서울에서 직장을 다니는 한국 청년이다.

김돌 씨는 요새 들어 대한민국 공식 도그마들에 대한 신뢰를 부쩍 잃어가는 듯했다이러한 도그마들은 그의 인생 대부분을 함께 했던 세계관을 형성한 것으로 더러는 서구에서 들어오고 더러는 그의 조국 대한민국에서 만들어진 것이었다그는 지금까지 들어왔고 믿도록 요구되었던 것들과 단순한논리 사이에서 끊임없이 모순을 발견하고 있었다그는 의문을 갖기 시작했고이와는 다른 목소리를 내는 채널을 찾아 나섰다.

그가 나를 찾은 것은 바로 이러한 맥락이었다그는 인터넷을 통해 나와 나의 동지들이 기고한 글들을 읽기 시작했다.

내가 그의 편지를 받은 것은 부에노스아이레스에서 한달  체류하고 있을 때였다나는 거기서 아르헨티나 대통령 마우리시오 마크리와 함께 출범한 신자유주의신파시스트 정부와  그대로 ‘대치하던 중이었고 사이에 새로운 정치소설을 저술하고 있었다.

아르헨티나 국민들은 이제 기만의 잠에서 깨어 악몽 같은 사회적경제적정치적 현실을 직시하기 시작했다미국은 사회주의를 근간으로 하고 있는  자긍심 높은 나라에 적어도   이상 군사기지를 세우려 하고 있었다물가는 치솟고 민영화가 본격적으로 진행되고 있었으며 사회적 편익은 점차 사라져갔다부에노스아이레스 전반에서 시위가 벌어졌다아르헨티나를 위한 투쟁은 끝나지 않은 것이다!

같은 시기브라질에서는 친서방 ‘엘리트들이 지우마 호세프의 사회주의 정권을 전복시키려 안간힘을 쓰고 있었다이들은 대부분이 개신교도로 구성된 냉소적이고 부패한 백인들이었다.

김돌 씨의 편지는  알맞은 시기에 받았다 당시 ‘제국 맹공을 퍼부어 중남미를 무너뜨리고 있었고 그러는 동시에 러시아와 중국북한을 도발하고 있었다.

엄청난 무력 충돌아니 3차대전이 일어난다고 해도 이상할 것이 없는 상황이었다.

김돌 씨는 내게  가지 질문을 던졌다그의 편지에 담긴 내용과 질문들은 단순했고 진실했으며 본질적이었다그의 몇몇 언급은 틀림없이 한국 사람들의 철학적정치적 관심을 대변하는 것이었다나는 답변을 해주는 대신에  가지 조건을 내걸었다 조건인즉 우리의 대화를 인터뷰 형식으로공개하는 것이었고그는 이에 동의하였다내가 그에게 실명을 거론해도 되겠느냐고 묻자그는 아무래도 상관없다고 용기 있게 응답했다.

이렇게 우리의 인터뷰는 성립되었다.


나는 공식화 되어버린 선전 메시지에 대해 김돌 씨와 같이 용기 있게 의문을 제기하고 도전하는 한국인들과 더불어중남미러시아중국북한남아프리카  세계 등지에서 활동하는 우리 동지들을 따라 국제주의 정신과 연대감품위와 인류애그리고 평등을 근간으로 하는 보다 바람직하고 온정있는 세상을 만들어가고자 하는 모든 이들에게  인터뷰를 헌정한다.


다음은 김돌 씨가 스스로를 소개한 글이다.

저는 30 초반의 한국인 토박이입니다저와 같은 세대의 여느 청년들과 다르지 않게 중산층 가정에서 자라 지금은 직장 생활을 하고 있습니다저는 외국에 한번도 나가본 적이 없고 서울을 벗어난 적도 별로 없습니다그리고 이렇게 저만의 작은 세상 밖의 일에 관심을 갖게 된지는 불과  년이  되지 않습니다양친은 모두 진보적인 성향이었지만 제가 어렸을  부모님의 정치관을 접할 기회는 거의 없었고그저 학교와 사회매체를 통해 한국에서 통하는 전형적인 이데올로기에 의해 교육을 받았습니다이를테면 자본주의의 우월성북한과  밖의 사회주의 국가들이 처한 처참한사정서방 국가들의 모범적인 민주주의그리고 애국심과 민족주의적 가치관 같은 것들이죠(물론 당연히 자본주의가 완벽한 체제라고 배웠던 것은 아닙니다).

하지만 최근 들어서 발생한 여러 가지 사건과 동향을 접하면서 저는 다른 가능성에 대해 생각해보게 되었습니다한국정부는 점차 우경화 되어가고 빈부격차는 날로 커져갔으며국정원이 이제까지 보수 여당에 힘을 실어주기 위해 요긴하게 써먹었던 북한에 대한 조잡한 거짓말들이 하나 둘씩 폭로되기 시작했습니다 한국 대통령은 분명 동북아에서 가장 ‘민주적인 방식으로 당선되었지만(누구도 그를 찍도록 강요받지 않았으니까요), 이상하게도 제가 보기에 지금의 그는 가장 인기 없는 지도자로 전락하고 말았습니다 세계가 직면하고 있는 저성장 기조는 자본주의의 한계와 위험한미래를 여실히 보여주었습니다이와 반대로 한때 공산주의의 대표적인 실패 사례로 언급되었던 러시아와 중국은 이제 새로운 경제부국으로 부상하여 미국과 유럽연합에 도전하고 있습니다 모든 변화에 저는 갈피를 잡지 못했습니다.

그리고 서로 다른  세력, ISIS 북한이 최근   사이에 부쩍 세계의 공분을 사기 시작했는데요이것이  생각이 바뀌는 결정적인 계기가 되었습니다 세력 모두 미국과 서방 열강에 적대적이지만  표출방식은 상당히 달랐습니다. ISIS 경우 민간인을 공격하는 방식으로 적국에 저항하였지만북한은 무고한 사람들에게 해를 입힐 필요가 전혀 없었습니다비핵국가인 이라크가 미국의 침략을 받은   국민들이 어떤 고통을 받았는지를 보았을 북한의 핵무장은 미국의 위협으로부터 자국민을 지키는  가장 효과적인 수단인  같았습니다그리고 사실 따지고 보면 북한의 핵무기 보유 덕분에 자국민들뿐만 아니라 미국과  동맹국들의 군인들까지도 희생을 피한 셈입니다이처럼 북한의 핵무장은 매우 정당하고 합당한 처사라고 생각했습니다그런데 놀랍게도  세계 여론과 모든 대중매체들은 미국의 편을 들면서 북한의 핵무장을 공공연하게 비난했습니다저는 도무지  이유를  수가 없었습니다그들은 맹목적으로 북한이 틀렸다는 전제를 깔고 있었습니다.

 모든 것을 보면서 저는  이상 주류 매체의 목소리를 받아들일 수가 없게 되었습니다과거에 극단적이었던 것이 이제는 정상처럼 보이고과거에 정상적이었던 것이 이제는 극단처럼 보입니다이러한 혼란 속에서 저는 몇몇 가용한 매체 채널을 통해 북한의 지도층과 대중들이 하는 말에 귀를기울여보았습니다또한 사회주의공산주의반자본주의반제국주의 등의 사상을 가진 이들이 저술한 몇몇 서적과  밖의 자료를 읽어보았습니다이러는 와중에 블첵 선생님의 저서도 읽게  것입니다그러고는  모든 저자들이 공유하고 있는  가지 가치를 발견했는데바로 ‘보편주의, ‘탈민족주의(국제주의), ‘평등주의였습니다한국에서 매우 소중하게 여기고 있는 ‘민족주의와는 매우 현격한 대조를 이루는 가치들이었는데그제서야 저는  사회주의자들이 ‘인민이니 ‘동지 하는 표현들을 그리 즐겨 사용하는지 깨달았습니다아마도 민족간계층간 장벽을 허무는 있어서 이보다 효과적인 표현은 없을 것이라고 생각합니다삼십년의 인생을 사는 동안 저는 공산주의자들과 사회주의자들이 수많은 학살과 잔혹행위를 자행했다고 들어왔는데알고 보니 그들의 이데올로기 밑바탕에는 강력한 평화주의 정신이 있었습니다이러한 정신이 실제로 얼마나 실천되었는지는 아직 제대로 공부하지 못했지만적어도 이론적으로는 확실히 그랬습니다오히려 선생님의 저서에 따르면 서방의 자본주의 열강들이야말로 수많은 학살과 착취의 주범이었던 것입니다.

아직 저는 자본주의자도 사회주의자도 아닙니다물론 과거에 신뢰했던 서구적 세계관에 다소간 실망했고과거에 경멸했던  반대쪽 이데올로기에 다소간 감명을 받은 것은 사실이지만 스스로를 무언가로 규정하기에는  지식이 너무 짧습니다현재로서 저는 그저 진실을 알고자 하는 사람일 뿐입니다결국에 자본주의자가  수도 있고사회주의자가  수도 있고아니면  이데올로기 사이 어딘가에 자리잡게  수도 있습니다하지만서구식 자본주의 체제의 가치들에 대해서는 이미 오랫동안 배웠기 때문에 이제는 선생님 진영의 가르침이 필요합니다제가 양쪽의 가치관에 대해 모두 알게 된다면 그때 바른 결론을 내릴  있으리라 생각합니다저는  이상 진실에 대한 무지로 인해 인류를 위협하는 편에 서서 여생을 낭비하고 싶지 않습니다 질문에 대한 답변을 통해 제가 진실에  발짝 다가갈  있도록 도와주십시오.”


김돌 질문1: 선생님 저서에서 다룬 여러 가지 측면을 보고 미루어 짐작건대 선생님은 사회주의자 내지는 공산주의자인  같습니다선생님께서는 자본주의가 본질상 폭력과 부도덕이 수반한다고 보십니까그렇다면 지극히 고결하고 도덕적인 자본주의자들이 사회 일부를 구성한다고 해도 이는어쩔  없는 일입니까아니면 선생님께서는 그저 자본주의의 오남용에 대해 고발하신 것입니까다시 말해서저는 자본주의가 ‘폐기되고 다른 무언가로 대체되어야  것인지아니면 보다 바람직한 형태로 ‘개선되고 개혁되어야  것인지가 궁금합니다만일 전자라면 현재로서 완전한 사회주의 체제를 유지하고 있는 국가가 북한  극소수에 불과한데 과연 그게 가능하리라고 보십니까?


안드레 블첵 답변나는  세계를 장악한 서방의 제국주의/자본주의 독재정권은 즉시 해체되어야 한다고 믿습니다그렇지 않는다면 인류는 조만간 존속 자체가 불가능해질 것입니다.

지금과 같은 형태의 자본주의( 신자유주의) 그저 터무니없으며 학살과 부패를 초래하는 체제일 뿐입니다 체제는 지금까지  세계의 위대한 문명들이 근간으로 삼았던 거의 모든 기본 원칙과 정면으로 대치됩니다또한 전적으로 허무하고 억압적인 체제입니다.

오늘날의 자본주의는 서방의 식민주의기독교 근본주의그리고 유럽 문화가 보여준 전무후무한 잔혹성과 긴밀하게 결탁하고 있으며 바로 여기서 유래된 것입니다.

오늘  시간까지  세계 수억 명의 목숨을 앗아간 백인들은 지극히 소수에 불과한  하나의 인종입니다그런 그들이 여전히 세계 권력의 핵심을 틀어쥐고 있는 작금의 상황을   자본주의의 개혁을 기대하는 것은 지극히 비현실적입니다.

나는 쿠바와 중남미 전통에 기반한 국제주의자입니다나를 공산주의자라고 부를 수도 있지만그렇다고 해서 내가 특정 좌파 성향의 ‘파벌 속한 것은 아닙니다나에게 있어 공산주의 또는 사회주의란식민주의인종주의제국주의에 대항하여 평등과 정의사회권을 쟁취하고자 하는 끝없는 투쟁에 관한 것입니다.

내가 보기에는 지금도 여전히 많은 나라가 사회주의 체제를 유지하고 있습니다(물론 표면적으로 그들을 정의하는 방식은 다를  있지만요).  중에는 세계 최대 인구대국인 중국도 포함되지요.

나는 사회주의가 어느 특정한 경제 구조를 지녀야 한다는 도그마를 고집하지 않습니다사회주의의 구현 방식은 각국의 문화에 따라 제각기 다를  있습니다이를테면 중국의 사회주의는 볼리비아나 이란의 사회주의와 다릅니다그리고 이것이야말로 사회주의의 훌륭한 특징입니다.

반면자본주의는 지극히 시대착오적이며 야만적이고 불쾌한 개념입니다 체제는 결국 무너져야 마땅하지만 전에  가지 심도 있는 철학적 담론이 지속되어야 합니다이러한 담론이 진행되는 동안에는 사람들에게 여러 가지 대안이 제시되어야 하고 과거에 대해 일깨워주어야 합니다지난 수십 년간 자본주의가 어떻게 수많은 나라와 개인의 목숨을 파멸로 이끌었는지를 그들이 자각하도록 해야 하는 것이죠.



김돌 질문2: 현재 많은 나라가 서방에 의해 독재정권이라 비난을 받고 있습니다그리고 서구적인 민주주의의 관점에서 본다면 그들은 정말로 독재정권이 맞습니다이를테면 북한의 김정은 정부가 그러한데요이들 정권 하에서는 대개 언론매체들이 그들을 자유롭게 비판하지 못합니다제가 알기로 사회주의 국가의 국민들은 대체적으로 정치에 참여하고 정부를 비판하는  제약이  많습니다제가 혹시 이조차도 ‘서방 제국주의 사상의 세뇌 받아서 잘못 생각하고 있는 겁니까선생님께서는 이에 대해 혹시 다른 생각을 갖고 계신지요?


안드레 블첵 답변본질적이면서도 복합적인 질문이군요그리 간단하게 답할  있는 질문이 아닙니다.

김돌 씨가 ‘사회주의라고 부르는 나라들의 국민들까지 포함해서 우리 대부분은 최소한 어느 정도는 ‘민주주의, ‘자유, ‘개방 대한 서구식 슬로건과 정의를 받아들이도록 엄청난 정신적 압력을 받고 있습니다이러한 체제를 선전하는 메시지는 그야말로 밤낮을 가리지 않고 쏟아지고 있는데요대중매체대중영화대중음악그리고 ‘교육( 정확히 말하자면 ‘세뇌등이 모두 이러한 메시지를 직간접적으로 전달하는 수단으로 쓰이고 있습니다.

서방은 “오직 유럽과 북미 등지에서 생겨나고 시행되고 있는 정부 형태야말로 수용 가능한 유일한 민주주의이다라는 인종주의적이며 ‘예외주의적인 논증을 수십수백 년에 걸쳐 뻔뻔하게 활용해왔습니다.

어째서?”라고 물어도 답변은 해주지 않습니다만사실  이유는 “백인종과 ‘서구 문화(그러므로 서구식 정치 개념도 포함) 우월하고 ‘신이 내린 으로 의문의 여지가 없는 이기 때문이라고 생각하면 됩니다.

물론 한층  깊게 파고 든다면 그와 같은 전제들은 즉시 무너져 내리겠지만그들은 결코 그렇게 하려 들지 않습니다.

게다가 서방이 세계를 통치하는 방식은 결단코 ‘민주적이지도 않습니다그들의 통치에는 명백히 학살이 수반되었습니다.

다시 주제로 돌아가서 민주주의의 실질적 측면을 살펴봅시다.

예를 들어 오늘날의 중국은 여러 면에서 서방보다 훨씬 ‘민주적입니다상호 경쟁하는 여러 정당의 유무라든지 투표 참여권의 부재라든지 하는 것들은 ‘민주화 척도가 아닙니다. ‘민주주의(democracy)라는 용어는 단지 ‘국민의 통치 의미하는 그리스 용어에서 번역한 표현이라는 사실을기억하십시오  자체에는 ‘ 이상의 정당으로 구성된 시스템 있어야 한다는 조건이 없습니다중국에는 천년 동안 지속해온 ‘천명(天命)이라는 개념이 있습니다 개념에 따르면 정부나 통치자는 인민에게 답할 의무가 있으며 이를 이행하지 못할 시에는 자리를 박탈당할 수도 있습니다중국의 공산당 또한  점을  인지하고 있어인민들의 필요와 요구에 응답하기를 서방 정부들이 그들의 유권자들에게 반응하는 것보다 훨씬 적극적으로 실천하고 있습니다시진핑 주석과 중국의 지도층이 취하고 있는  노선을 보면  점이 여실히 드러납니다중국의 인민들은 훨씬  ‘중국적인 사회주의 요구하고 있으며  요구는 계속해서 이루어지고 있습니다직접 민주주의가 실현되고 있는 것입니다중국 고유의 형태이지만외부인이나 외국인들도 이를 연구해보기로 마음만 먹는다면 충분히 이해할  있습니다문제는 대부분 시도조차 하지 않는다는 것입니다그들은 기본적인 숙제도 하지 않은  그저 서방의 선전가들이 창안한 클리셰를 앵무새처럼 되풀이하고 있습니다그럼에도 불구하고 그들은 그러한 세뇌 학습의 결과를 타당한 ‘관점 따른 것으로그들 스스로의 의견에 따른 것으로 받아들입니다이러한 도그마에 대한 절대적인 신봉과 극도로건방진 독선은 서양인들과 서방의 식민지  ‘가맹국 사람들에게 매우 전형적인 현상입니다실로 이는 봉건주의와 다를 바가 없습니다.

서방 세계와 한국일본에는 ‘민주주의 무엇인가에 대한 진지하고 심도 있는 담론이 없습니다거의 모든 ‘제국 시민들은 “민주주의는 우리를 가리키고 독재는 저들을 가리킨다 식의 믿음을 갖고 있습니다그들 사이에는 공개적인 철학적 담론이 없습니다이는 주류 매체에서 서구식 ‘민주주의 개념 조롱하는 보도를 전혀 하지 않기 때문입니다이를 테면 소위 ‘투표라는 것은 이미 ‘체제 의해 한번 걸러져 모두 비슷하게 생각하는 사람들만 입후보한 마당에 그들   명을 뽑기 위해 종이  장을 면상자나 금속상자에 투입하는 행위로기본적으로 쓸모 없고 터무니없기까지 하다는 식의 보도가 없습니다.

우리 ‘저들 사이의 진지한 비교 따위는 없습니다.

이에 대해  가지 예를 들어보겠습니다.

베네수엘라에서는 우고 차베스 프리아스 대통령 재임 시절그리고 지금까지도 모든 주요 개발 사업과 개헌과 같은  변화에 대해서는 국민투표를 통해 국민들의 승인을 받아야 합니다이와 같은 투표를 통해서 국민들은  정부와 노선을 지지함으로써  나라가 계속해서 사회주의에 머물도록 수도 있고아니면 미국의 지원을 받는 반대파에게 표를 주어서 베네수엘라가 U턴하여 서방의 ‘가맹국으로서 자본주의 경제를 수립하도록  수도 있습니다이렇게 된다면 그야말로 180 전환이겠지요서방 세계에서 이와 같은 결정권이 주어진 국민들이 있습니까그들은 기껏해야 자본주의와 자본주의 사이에서 택일해야  따름입니다. 2차대전 직후만 하더라도 프랑스와 이탈리아 밖에 유럽에서는 공산주의 정당들의 당선이 유력했습니다그러나 미국과 영국이 나치와 파시스트 간부들을 기용하여 선거를 훼방하였습니다그들이 말하는 자유와 ‘민주주의 이쯤에서 그만하기로 하고 이제 최근에 있었던 여론 조사들을 살펴봅시다현재 서양인 대부분은 자본주의를 지지하지 않습니다하지만 그들에게 선택권이 있습니까그들이 총체적인 체제를 바꿀  있습니까불가능합니다그러나 중국이나 쿠바의 인민들은 다수가 원하는 체제를 누립니다또한 그들은 서양인들보다 훨씬 양질의 정보를 얻습니다베이징에 있는 아무 대형서점이나 한번 가보십시오마르크스주의와 공산주의에 관해서도 수많은 서적이 있지만비즈니스 도서오바마 전기 게이츠 전기서양의 베스트셀러들은 물론 심지어 서구의 선전용 쓰레기 같은 서적들까지도 엄청나게 많이 찾아볼  있습니다 다음 뉴욕이나 파리에 있는 서점에 들러서 공산주의를 옹호하고 긍정하는 책이  권이나 되는지 보십시오이에 대해 논리적으로 생각한다면 무슨 결론이 나겠습니까?

혹은베이징에 소재한 거대한 미술관과 공연장의 도시인 ‘798예술구 한번 찾아가보십시오거기서 무엇이 있습니까몇몇 근사한 작품도 있지만상당수가 도발적인 정치 메시지를 담고 있습니다 메시지들은 서방의 제국주의부터 중국의 통치 방식까지 모든 것에 비판적입니다서양이나일본의 예술에 비해 중국의 예술이 얼마나 자유로운지를 보면 대단히 인상적이면서도 충격적이기까지 합니다중국 인민들은 그들의 조국에 대해 열정적입니다그들은 어떻게 해야 보다 나은 국가를 건설하고 지금까지 이룩한 것을 뛰어넘을  있을지에 대해 토론하고 논쟁을 벌입니다지난해 저는 파리에 소재한 300 가량의 미술관을 돌아다녔지만정치적인 작품들을 전시하는 미술관은   군데도 찾지 못했습니다바로 이것이 프랑스입니다지금 프랑스는 급격한 붕괴를 겪고 있으며 국민들은 자국의 체제에 진절머리를 내며 밤낮으로 좌절에 시달리고 있습니다이를 두고 정상이라고   있겠습니까그들은 진정 자유롭습니까결단코 말씀 드리건대 나는 파리에 있을 때보다 베이징에 있을  훨씬   자유와 생기를 누립니다이건  혼자만의 생각이 아닙니다그럼에도 불구하고 이와 같은 관점은 영국이나 프랑스한국의 신문에서 도무지 찾기가 어렵습니다.

이제 북한이나  밖의 사회주의 국가가 ‘반민주적인 특성 보인다는 김돌 씨의 언급에 대해 답변을 드리겠습니다.

먼저 그들이  ‘반민주적인지 생각해보아야 합니다김돌 씨는 한국인이니까 한국전쟁 직후 북한이 남한보다 훨씬 사정이 좋았으며 더욱 개방적이었다는 사실을 알고 있을 겁니다그때 당시 남한은 잔혹한 우파 독재국가로서 친서방적인 반민족 패당이 권력을 쥐고 있었고 국정은 군사적경제적이해관계에 의해 좌지우지되었습니다국민들은 감시당하고 고문당하고 ‘실종되었습니다이는 피노체트 치하의 칠레나 수하르토 치하의 인도네시아의 사정과 다를 바가 없었습니다그러나 서구 열강들은 군비경쟁과 협박제재심리전 등으로 북한에 공포감을 조성하였고어느 순간 북한은 코너에 몰렸습니다북한은 이에 저항하였고 인민들을 외부와 차단시키며 단호한 태도로 대처하기 시작했는데 모든 것은 순전히 생존을 위해서였습니다서방은 북한의  같은 저항을 두고 손가락질하며 소리치기를 “보아라북한의 행동은 반민주적이다!”라며 비난하였습니다사실 서방이 북한을 미워하는 진짜 이유는 ‘민주주의 때문이 아닙니다이러한 증오의 시작은 신식민주의 시절로 거슬러 올라가는데요그들이 쿠바와 북한을 미워하며 부숴버리려는 진짜 이유는   나라가 아프리카의 해방을 위해 그들과 용감하게 싸운 전력이 있기 때문입니다이에 대해서는 “DPRK: Isolated, Demonized, and Dehumanized by the

West”라는 기고문을 통해 자세히 설명해놓았습니다그럼에도 불구하고 이러한 관점에 대해서는 다들 침묵으로 일관하고 있습니다.

쿠바도 똑같은 일을 겪었습니다서방은 쿠바의 여객기를 격추시키고민간공항식당호텔 등에 폭탄을 터뜨리고암살을 자행하고심지어는 구름을 우회시켜서 심각한 가뭄을 유도하는  쿠바를 정조준하여 공포감을 조성하였습니다이에 대한 쿠바의 저항이 전면적인 적은 없으나 분명 쿠바는저항하였습니다그러자 서방은 총력을 기울여 선전을 하기 시작했습니다아시다시피 예나 지금이나 서구 식민주의 열강들이 보기에 침략을 당하는 나라가 자국을 방어하는 행위는 도저히 용납할  없는 일이며 심지어 ‘반민주적이기까지  것입니다서양인들에게 있어 기독교적 배경을 가진서구의 백인들 이외의 존재는 신경을 써야  대상이 아니므로 그와 같은 저항 행위는 실로 ‘반논리적인 것입니다그들을 제외한 다른 모든 사람들은 마땅히 노예적 굴종의 숙명에 순응해야 하는 것입니다.

하지만 쿠바와 북한은 이를 용납하지 않았습니다인민들은 노예의 삶을 원치 않았습니다그들은 서방이 조성하는 공포를 ‘정상적인 것으로 받아들이지 않았습니다그들이 그러한 ‘특수한 상황 처해있는 유일한 이유는 그들이 세상을 노예의 삶에서 해방되도록 도운 일로 인해 서방으로부터겁박당하고 침략당하고 테러를 당하고 있기 때문입니다그들은 이와 같은 사정을  알고 있습니다그들은 한번도 다른 나라를 침략한 적이 없습니다그러나 만일 침략을 당한다면 그들은 맞설 것입니다이것이 바로  나라의 인민 대다수가 느끼고 있는 정서입니다그러므로 그들이 처한  상황은 ‘민주적인 방식으로 그들이 직접 택한 것입니다.


김돌 질문3: 선생님께서 ‘제국이라고 부르는 대상은 실제로 많은 나라들로 구성되어 있지만그럼에도 불구하고 계속 단수형 표현을 사용하고 계십니다이는 북미와 서유럽이 공동의 이해관계를 가지면서 주로 같은 편에 서기 때문입니까사실 ‘제국주의 하면 몇몇 ‘제국들 상호 경쟁하는 것이 특징 아닙니까?


안드레 블첵 답변맞습니다과거 유럽 제국들과   일어난 미국은 대륙 전체나 개별 나라들을 수탈하고 지배하기 위해 서로 경쟁을 벌였습니다하지만 2차대전 이후 그들 사이에 ‘통합 있었고 지금은 서방 세계와 백인종그리고 일종의 기독교 근본주의파를 중심으로 하나의 거대한 ()식민주의 제국을 형성하였습니다그리고 일본한국이스라엘이 제국의 부관 노릇을 하고 있습니다이에 대해서는 최근에 출간한 나의  저서 “Exposing Lies Of The Empire” “Fighting Against Western Imperialism”에서 상세히 다루었습니다.



김돌 질문4: 선생님과  밖의 여러 공산주의자들사회주의자들은 제국주의 정부들이 많은 나라의 파멸을 초래했다고 단죄합니다하지만 이와 동시에 이들과 선생님은 ‘봉건주의 대해서도 자주 비판합니다그런데 사실 제국의 식민 치하에 있던 나라들이  전에는 대부분 봉건주의 아니었습니까그렇다면 ‘나쁜 봉건주의 ‘더욱 나쁜 식민주의 의해 대체된 것일  나라들은 여태껏 한번도 찬란한 광명 아래 있었던 적이 없다고 여겨야 하는 것입니까?



안드레 블첵 답변매우 흥미롭고 본질적인 질문이군요.

서구 열강의 식민 치하에 있었던 많은 나라들이  전에 일종의 봉건 시대를 지내고 있었던 것은 사실입니다게다가 서방 세계 자체도 수백 년간 봉건제를 유지했었습니다.

그렇지만 만일 외부의(서방의잔혹한 개입이 없었더라면 세계 대부분의 나라는 그들 스스로 그들 고유의 방식을 통해 발전했을 것이고 발전 양상은 감히 말하건대 일종의 현대적이고 사회주의적인 국가를 지향했을 가능성이 매우 높습니다당연히 봉건주의를 버리게 되는 거지요.

서구 열강들은 아시아와 아프리카그리고 지금의 라틴 아메리카와 오세아니아에 해당하는 지역을 식민지로 삼은 점령당한 모든 나라에 몇몇 낡고 억압적인 권력구조를 이용하고 재도입하기 시작했습니다 세계의 일부분이 이러한 퇴행을 겪은 것이죠지방 영주들군벌들, ‘귀족들 삽시간에 뇌물로 매수되고 지배권을 되찾았으며 특권과 권력으로 재무장하였습니다그러고는 점령국 편에 서서 자국민들을 겁박하기 시작하였습니다.

따라서 어떤 면에서 서구 열강들은 봉건주의가 이미 사라진 나라에 봉건주의를 부활시키거나 재도입시켰으며아직 봉건제를 탈피하지 못한 곳에서는 이를 강화시켰다고   있습니다이는 명백한 역사의 퇴보였습니다식민주의와 노예제야말로 지독하게 어둡고 원시적이며 퇴행적인 개념이 아니고 무엇이겠습니까?

인도네시아가 아주 좋은 예입니다. 1965 아주 잔혹하고 학살을 자행하는 파시스트 세력의 쿠데타가 서방의 지원을 받아 성공하기 인도네시아는 자국 최초의 공산주의 정부(PKI) 선출하는 데까지 나아가고 있었습니다인도네시아는 민주적인 방식으로 좌파 노선을 취하려 하였습니다그러나 친서방 성향의 폭도들이 정권을 잡아 100~300만명 가량의 목숨을 앗아가고 인도네시아를 전복하여 지성을 말살시키자마자 봉건주의가 다시 기승을 부리기 시작했습니다.

사실 제대로 따져보면 최소한 현대 역사에서 김돌  표현에 따라 ‘광명 아래 있던 대부분의 나라는 그들이 너무 민주적이고 자국민들을  돌본다는 이유로 서구 열강들에게 짓밟히고 점령을 당하였습니다제국 입장에서   ‘광명 아래 있다는  무언가 긍정적이며 자국민들에게 유익을주는 상태는 제국의 독재적 기득권에 대한 치명적인 위협입니다제국은 사람들에게 관심이 없습니다특히 오웰이 ‘비인간(un-people)이라고 묘사한 대상들은 더더구나 어찌되는 상관이 없습니다콩고에서 인도네시아칠레이라크이란리비아에 이르기까지 수많은 나라에 서구 열강들은 온갖 혐오스러운 것들을  가져다 놓았습니다.

이런 체제가 개혁이 가능하다고 보십니까스스로에 대한 기만을 이제 멈출 때가 되지 않았습니까이미  세기 동안  세계에서 10억명에 달하는 생명이 희생을 당했습니다이제는 인류와 생명을 지켜야  때입니다!


안드레 블첵 철학자이자 소설가이자 영화감독이자 독립기자이다그는  세계 수십  국가에서 벌어지는 전쟁과 갈등을 보도하였다그의 최신 저작으로는 “Exposing Lies Of The Empire” “Fighting Against Western Imperialism” 있다노암 촘스키와의 대담을 담은 “On Western Terrorism. Point of No Return” 비평가들의 극찬을 받은 정치소설이다(한국에 은밀한 그러나 잔혹한서양이 저지른 기나긴 테러의 역사라는 제목으로 번역서 출간됨). “Oceania” 남태평양에서의 서방 제국주의에 대해 다룬다. “Indonesia – The Archipelago of Fear” 인도네시아에 대해 도발적으로 다룬 저서이다안드레 블첵이 제작하는 영화는 teleSUR사와 Press TV사에서 배급한다그는 중남미와 오세아니아에서 여러 해를 보냈고지금은 동아시아와 중동 지방에 체류하면서 작업에 임하고 있다그의 웹사이트나 트위터 페이지에 접속하면 그의 활동을   있다.


“Thus Now I Have Come to Recognize the Recently Implemented Sanctions Against ‘North Korea’ As A [GLOBAL] INJUSTICE”

South Korean Man Questions Anti-Communist Dogma

In Conversation with Mr. Kim Dol

“Thus now I have come to recognize the recently implemented sanctions against North Korea as an ‘injustice’.”

Above is a short excerpt from the letter that I received in May 2016, a letter from one of my readers, Mr. Kim Dol, a young South Korean professional based in Seoul.

Mr. Kim Dol, it seems, has been lately suffering from a gradual but irreversible loss of faith in the official dogmas that have been shaping his worldviews for most of his life – dogmas manufactured by his own country, South Korea (ROK), as well as those that have been imported from the West. He discovered countless contradictions between simple logic and what he was told, and expected to believe. He began questioning things, and searching for alternative sources.

That is how he found me. Online, he began reading my essays, as well as the essays of other comrades.

His letter arrived when I had been living for a month in Buenos Aires, Argentina, working on my new political novel while literally confronting the neo-liberal and neo-fascist government of the Argentinean President, Mauricio Macri.

Argentinian people had been fooled and they were now quickly waking up to a social, economic and political nightmare. The US was going to build military bases in at least two territories of this proud and essentially socialist nation. Prices were going up, privatization was in full-swing, and social benefits melting away. Protests erupted all over the capital. The fight for Argentina was on!

Simultaneously, in neighboring Brazil, a clique of cynical, corrupt, white and mostly evangelical members of the pro-Western ‘elites’ managed to overthrow the socialist government of Dilma Rousseff.

Mr. Kim Dol’s letter was timely. The Empire was on the offensive, destroying Latin America, while provoking Russia, China and the DPRK (North Korea).

An enormous military conflict, even a Third World War did not appear as some improbable and phantasmagoric scenario, anymore.

Mr. Kim Dol solicited several questions. His letter and queries were simple, honest and essential. Obviously, they were addressing some of the philosophical and political concerns of South Korean people. I decided to reply, but on one condition: that this exchange would be in the form of an interview, and made public. He agreed. I asked whether he’d mind using his real name? He responded, bravely, that he’d have no problem with that whatsoever.

Therefore, we were on!


I am dedicating this interview to those citizens of South Korea (ROK) who are, like Mr. Kim, brave enough to question and challenge the official propaganda, and who are searching together with us – their comrades in Latin America, Russia, China, the DPRK, South Africa and elsewhere – for much better and kinder world, based on internationalism, solidarity, decency, humanism and equality.


An introduction by Mr. Kim Dol:

“I am a native South Korean in my early thirties. Having been raised in a middle class family, I now work as an office worker, as many ordinary Koreans of my generation do. I’ve never been abroad — I have hardly ever been outside the city of Seoul — and it has only been several years since I started getting interested in affairs that happen outside my tiny sphere. Though both of my parents are of a progressive type, they rarely shared their political views with me in my youth, therefore I have been educated by the most typical ideology in South Korea from schools, society, and media: the superiority of capitalism (though we readily recognize its shortcomings), the terrible conditions of North Korea and other socialist countries, model cases of western countries, democracy, highly valued nationalism and patriotism, and so forth. At least in terms of ideology, I used to be the most typical person one would encounter in South Korea.

But recently lots of happenings and trends have made me think about other possibilities: the S. Korean government’s increasing rightward shift and pro-market policies has been enlarging the gap between the rich and the poor. The coarse lies of the ROK’s central intelligence against North Korea, which used to serve as the most effective means of consolidating the conservative ruling party’s power, are now being uncovered one after another. Although the current president of South Korea has been elected presumably in the most ”democratic” way to be found among the chiefs of Northeast Asian countries — no one was forced to vote for her — ironically now it seems that she is the most unpopular leader. The ongoing low economic growth the world is facing has revealed capitalism’s limits and its dangerous future. By contrast, Russia and China, which have been mentioned as representative failures of communism, are now emerging as new economic powers and challenging the USA and EU. I was confused by all these changing factors.

And two different forces — ISIS and North Korea — have been seemingly incurring the world’s hatred over the past few years, which has brought a decisive change in my ideas. Both are hostile to the USA and western powers, but in quite different ways. While ISIS attacks civilians as a means of resistance against its state-scale enemies, North Korea does not need to harm innocent people in its struggle against its enemies. Arming itself with nuclear weapons seems to be the most effective means to defending its people from the USA’s threats. (Just see what happened to the Iraqi people who had suffered from the USA invasion). Thanks to the nuclear weapons owned by N. Korea, not only its people but also the soldiers of the USA and its allies can avoid bleeding. It seems justifiable and appropriate to me. However, to my surprise, the global public, as well as all the mass media are siding with the USA. They overtly criticize North Korea arming itself with nuclear weapons. I don’t know why. They seem to just assume that DPRK is wrong.

Throughout all this, I have found myself no longer able to conform to mainstream media. What was extreme now seems normal, and what was normal now seems extreme. Out of this confusion, I tried to listen to the voices of North Korean people, on both elite and mass levels via a few available media channels, and read some materials and books written by socialists, communists, anti-capitalists, or anti-imperialists, which include some of your works. Among them I have found some common qualities all the authors share: “universalism”, “internationalism”, and “egalitarianism.” They are in striking contrast to the notion of “nationalism”, which is so highly valued in South Korea. Now I see why socialists prefer the words “people” and “comrade”, which are the most powerful words that break down the barriers between nations and classes. For three decades of my life, I have learned about the many cases of slaughters and brutality committed by communists and socialists. But it transpires that this ideology is founded on a powerfully peace-oriented spirit, at least theoretically — I have not yet sufficiently studied how it has been actually been put into practice. Rather, your books hold the western capitalist powers responsible for countless deaths and exploitation.

At the moment I am neither a capitalist nor a socialist. Though the western outlook I used to trust in now disappoints me to a degree and the other ideology I used to despise now touches and impresses me to a degree, still my knowledge is too short to identify me as something. For now, I am just a seeker for reality. I might end up being a capitalist, a socialist, or something in-between. Since I have long learned the values of the western capitalist scheme, now I need the teachings of your side. Once I get fully informed of both value systems, perhaps I will be able to come to the right conclusion. I hope the rest of my life will not be spent in opposition to humanity because of my ignorance of reality. Please help me get closer to reality, or the truth, by answering my questions.”


Q1: Given the many phases you have written about, you seem to be a socialist or communist. Do you think violence and immorality are inherent in capitalism even if the most virtuous capitalists make up part of a society? Or are your works only accusing a misuse of capitalism? In other words, I am wondering whether capitalism should be “discarded and replaced with something else or “renovated” and reformed into a better form. If you maintain the former, is it possible for it to happen in the current situation where only the few countries such as North Korea remain fully socialist?

A.V.: I believe that the Western imperialist/capitalist global dictatorship/regime has to be immediately dismantled, or else our humanity will eventually and most likely very soon, cease to exist.

The present form of capitalism (or call it neo-liberalism) is simply a grotesque, genocidal and gangrenous system. It is in direct contradiction to almost all the basic principles on which all the great civilizations of our planet had been based on. It is also a thoroughly nihilistic and depressing system.

The present form of capitalism is directly connected, even derived from, Western colonialism, Christian fundamentalism and the unmatchable brutality of the European culture.

It is thoroughly unrealistic to expect that capitalism could be reformed, considering that until this very moment, only one small ethnic group that is responsible for murdering hundreds of millions of human beings all over the world is still holding the global reins of power.

I am an internationalist, in the Cuban, Latin American tradition. You can call me a Communist, but I am not subscribing to any particular ‘branch’ of the left. My Communism or Socialism is about the perpetual struggle against colonialism, racism and imperialism – a struggle for equality, justice and social rights.

I believe that right now we have many socialist countries on this Planet (no matter how they are defined) including, of course, the most populous one – China.

I’m not dogmatic in how the socialism should be structured, economically. There are many ways, depending on the culture of each particular country. Chinese socialism is different from Bolivian or Iranian socialism, and that is actually wonderful.

Capitalism is an extremely outdated, barbaric and unsavory concept, and I believe that it should be scrambled eventually, but only after some prolonged and deep philosophical discussions take place – discussions during which the people should be offered many alternatives and enlightened about the past (how capitalism has been destroying countless countries and human lives, for decades).

Q2: Many administrations that have been criticized as “dictatorships” by the Empire are really dictatorships at least from the perspective of the western concept of democracy, for example, Kim Jong Un’s administration in North Korea. Furthermore, under those administrations, typically the media/press are not free to criticize them. To my knowledge, the public in a socialist country is usually less able to participate in politics and to express their views against their governments. Is this thought simply a misunderstanding caused by my “brainwashing” by the western imperialist ideas? Do you have another perspective on this?

A.V.: The question is essential and complex, and the answer cannot be simple either.

Essentially, almost all of us, including those in what you call ‘the socialist countries’, are, to at least some extent, under tremendous psychological pressure to accept Western slogans and definitions of “democracy”, “freedom” and “openness”. They have been literally bombarded, day and night, by open and concealed messages propagating this sort of system: through mass media, mass-produced films and pop music, and ‘education’ (which could be better described as ‘indoctrination’).

For decades and centuries, the West has been actually shamelessly utilizing a racist and ‘exceptionalist’ reasoning: “the only acceptable ‘democratic’ forms of government are those invented and implemented in/by Europe, North America, etc.”

Why? To this, no answer is given, but it is understood that the reason is: “because the West; its race and its ‘culture’ (and therefore its political concepts) are simply superior, ‘God-given’ and unquestionable. It is all based on fundamentalist faith, not on any serious analyses or comparisons.

On closer examination, which is almost never conducted, such presumptions would, of course, immediately melt.

Not only that, Western global rule has never been ‘democratic’, it has been clearly genocidal.


But back to practical aspects of democracy…

For instance, present-day China is in many ways much more ‘democratic’ than the West. But there, the number of political parties competing or not participating at the election booths does not determine the level of ‘democracy’. Let us remember that ‘democracy’ means only ‘rule of the people’, translated from Greek (nowhere does it say ‘multi-party system’). In China, there is a thousand years old concept, ‘The Heavenly Mandate”. The government or the ruler has to answer to the people, and if it fails to represent them, can be removed. The Communist Party of China is well aware of it. It reacts to the needs and desires of the Chinese people much more readily than the Western governments do to their own voters. The current direction taken by President Xi and the leadership of the country is extremely good proof of it: Chinese people are demanding much more ‘Chinese-style socialism’, and they are getting it. There is a direct democracy at work there: it is unique, but it could be understood by outsiders/foreigners, if they decided to study it. The problem is that most of them don’t. They repeat, like parrots, clichés invented by Western propagandists, without even doing their basic homework. But then they pass their indoctrination as a legitimate ‘point of view’, as their own opinion. That is very typical for the Westerners and citizens of the Western colonies and ‘client’ states: the absolute acceptance of the doctrines and unmatchable arrogant self-righteousness. It is really equal to fundamentalism.

In the West as well as in South Korea (or Japan), there is no serious and deep discussion about what precisely ‘democracy’ is. Perception implanted and accepted by almost all citizens of the Empire is: democracy is ‘us’, dictatorship is ‘them’. There is no public philosophical discussion. As there are no reports ridiculing the Western ‘democratic concept’ (basically a useless, even grotesque act of sticking a piece of paper into those big carton or metal boxes, ‘voting’ for similar-thinking candidates already pre-selected by the regime) in the mainstream media.

No serious comparison of ‘us’ and ‘them’ is performed.

Let me give you a few simple examples to illustrate what I am saying:

In Venezuela, during Hugo Chavez Frias, but even now, all major developments and changes (including constitutional ones) have to be approved by the people, through a plebiscite. During those referendums you can vote for the government, for the Process, and that means that your country will stay on the socialist course; or you were to vote in the US-backed opposition, and in that case Venezuela would make a sharp U-turn and go back to being a Western ‘client’ state and capitalist economy. That is 1800 degrees turn! Where in the West would the citizens be allowed to make such decisions? In the West, you can choose only between capitalism and capitalism! After WWII, the Communist parties in France, Italy and elsewhere in Europe were heading for easy election victories, but the US and UK employed Nazi and fascist cadres to derail the votes. So much for their freedom and ‘democracy’! Look now at all those recent polls: most of the Westerners are against capitalism. But can they choose? Can they change the entire system? No! But in China or in Cuba people live with the system desired by the majority. And they are much better informed than people in the West. Just visit any major bookstore in Beijing: you will see tons of books on Marxism and Communism, but you will also see tons of books on business, Obama’s biographies, Bill Gate’s biographies, Western bestsellers and even some iconic Western propaganda rubbish. Then go to the bookstores in New York City or Paris, and tell me how many books defending and glorifying Communism would you find in there. And then just draw some logical conclusions!

Or visit ‘798’ which is an enormous city of art galleries and theatres in Beijing. What do you see there? Some great art, yes. But also, plenty of it carries provocative political messages. Messages are critical of everything: from Western imperialism to the way China is governed. It is impressive, truly mind-blowing, how free Chinese art is, compared to that of the West or in Japan. In China, people are passionate about their country, they are discussing, arguing how to make it better, even greater than it already is. Last year I visited 300 art galleries in Paris and I did not find one, a single one that would carry political art. And that is in France, a country that is rapidly falling apart, where people are basically pissed off at their regime, frustrated day and night. Do you call it normal or free? I definitely feel much more free and alive in Beijing than in Paris. And I am not alone! But you would hardly read such thoughts in the British or French or South Korean newspapers.

Now, let me return to your mentioning of the ‘undemocratic nature’ of the DPRK or some of the other socialist countries.

You should think why they are ‘undemocratic’. As a Korean, you perhaps know that after the Korean War, the DPRK was in much better shape, and was more open that the ROK. ROK was a brutal right-wing dictatorship, run by a pro-Western treasonous clique, and by the military and business interests. People were being hunted down, tortured, and “disappeared”. It was not unlike the situation in Pinochet’s Chile or Suharto’s Indonesia. But the West unleashed the terror of an arms race, intimidation, sanctions and psychological warfare against the DPRK. At some point it pushed the country into the corner. And DPRK had to react, to close its ranks, to harden itself, simply in order to survive. And when it reacted, the West pointed its fingers, shouting: “You see! It is acting undemocratically!” In fact the hatred of the West for North Korea has nothing to do with ‘democracy’. It goes back to the neo-colonial era. Both Cuba and North Korea heroically fought for the liberation of Africa; that’s why the West hates and tries to destroy them. I wrote extensively on this (DPRK: Isolated, Demonized, and Dehumanized by the West). But that angle is never mentioned!

The same happened to Cuba. There the West unleashed direct terror against the island, shooting down passenger airliners, bombing civilian airports, restaurants, hotels, staging assassinations, even trying to divert clouds to cause severe droughts. Cuba never reacted by full-force, but it reacted. The propaganda of the West went immediately into over-drive! You see, for the old and new Western colonialist powers, it is unacceptable, even ‘undemocratic’, to defend your own country! It is actually perversely ‘logical’: to the Westerners only the white, ‘Caucasian’, Christian, Western people really matter – only their ‘rights to rule’ are (sometimes) respected. All others have to accept their fate of subservience, of slavery!

But no, this would never happen in Cuba or in the DPRK. People don’t want to be slaves there. They would never accept Western terror as something ‘normal’. And they know that the only reason why they are in this ‘special situation’ is because they are intimidated, attacked, even terrorized by the West for helping to liberate the world from slavery! They never attacked any foreign country. But if attacked, they will fight. That is how the majority of people feel in both countries. And therefore, their determination is ‘democratic’.

Q3: Your term the Empire is mentioned in a singular form although it consists of many countries. Is it because North America and Western Europe have a common interest and usually stand on the same side? Doesn’t “imperialism” usually feature competitions among a number of empires?

A.V.: Correct. The empires of Europe and later the United States of America used to compete for the loot and control of entire continents or particular countries. But after the WWII, there was ‘consolidation’, and now it is basically the Western world, a white race, or some sort of Christian fundamentalist realm (plus its lieutenants like Japan, South Korea and Israel) that forms one huge neo-colonialist Empire. I described it in detail in two of my recent books: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire” and “Fighting Against Western Imperialism”.

Q4: You and lots of other communists and socialists condemn the imperialist governments for having led many nations into ruins. However, I’ve found that communists and socialists including you also frequently criticize “feudalism”, which is highly likely to have been predominant among those nations before they were colonized. Should I think that the “evil feudalism” has been replaced with the “more evil colonialism” and those nations have never been in bright conditions?

A.V.: Very interesting, and again, an essential question.

Many countries that were later colonized by the West went through some type of feudal period. And the West itself also lived, for centuries, under a feudalist system.

If there were to be no brutal intervention from abroad (from the West), most nations of the world would be developing in their own, specific way, but most likely moving towards some modern and, I’d dare to say, socialist state; definitely away from feudalism.

After colonizing Asia, Africa, what is now Latin America and Oceania, the West began using and re-introducing some old, oppressive power structures in each and every occupied country or part of the world. Almost immediately, the local feudal lords, warlords and ‘aristocrats’ were bribed, restored into control and armed with new privileges and powers, so they could terrorize and intimidate their own people on behalf of the occupying powers.

So, in a way, the West restored or re-introduced feudalism in the countries from which it had already disappeared, or upheld it where it was still reigning. It was clearly a regressive process, but what else are colonialism and slavery if not extremely dark, primitive and backward concepts?

A very good example is Indonesia, which, before the West-backed, extremely brutal and genocidal fascist coup of 1965, was moving towards electing its first Communist government (PKI). The country was ready to move to the Left, democratically. After the pro-Western murderous forces grabbed power, killing between 1 and 3 million people and turning Indonesia into an intellectual zombie land, feudalism was forcefully reintroduced, almost immediately.

Actually, to be precise, at least in modern history, most countries that were experiencing what you described as “bright conditions” were destroyed and occupied by the West, exactly because they were so democratic, and cared for their own people. What we see as ‘bright conditions’ – something that is positive and beneficial for the local people – the Empire considers as mortal danger to its dictatorial interests. The Empire does not care about people, especially for what Orwell used to call ‘un-people’ – the non-Westerners. Examples of horrors administered by the West are limitless: from Congo to Indonesia, Chile, Iraq, Iran and Libya.

Do you really believe that such a system can be reformed? Or perhaps we should finally stop fooling ourselves, after almost a billion of lives had been lost, throughout the centuries and in all corners of the world? And instead start defending human beings, human lives!
Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. His latest books are: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire” and “Fighting Against Western Imperialism”. Discussion with Noam Chomsky: On Western Terrorism. Point of No Return is his critically acclaimed political novel. Oceania – a book on Western imperialism in the South Pacific. His provocative book about Indonesia: “Indonesia – The Archipelago of Fear”. Andre is making films for teleSUR and Press TV. After living for many years in Latin America and Oceania, Vltchek presently resides and works in East Asia and the Middle East. He can be reached through his website or his Twitter.


[Editor’s note: This interview article by Mr. Vltchek was originally published almost a month ago on June 8, 2016 at the CounterPunch site.]



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