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이란 대통령, 유엔총회 연설서 강경자세<br><br>미국 등 서방 비판하고 관련국들도 규탄

페이지 정보

작성자 민족통신 작성일11-09-22 15:25 조회1,767회 댓글0건


지금 세계는 소수 폭력강국들에 대해 도전하는 나라들에 대해 관심을 쏟고 있다. 그 중 가장 두드러지게
나타나는 나라들은 중동에서는 이란의 지도자(마모우드 아마디네자드)이고, 남미에서는 큐바의 지도자와
베네주엘라의 지도자(우고 챠베스)이고, 아시아에서는 북조선의 최고지도자(김정일 위원장)로 반영되고
있다.이번 제66차 유엔총회 연설을 통해서도 이란의 아마디네자드 대통령은 22일 유엔총회 석상에서
발표한 연설을 통해 미국과 일부 서방국가들을 강도높게 비판해 세계 주목을 받고 있다.

이란 대통령(마호드 아마디네자드),

유엔총회 연설서 미국 등 서방 비판할 때 관련국들 퇴장

지금 세계는 소수 폭력강국들에 대해 도전하는 나라들에 대해 관심을 쏟고 있다. 그 중 가장 두드러지게 나타나는 나라들은 중동에서는 이란의 지도자(마모우드 아마디네자드)이고, 남미에서는 큐바의 지도자와 베네주엘라의 지도자(우고 챠베스)이고, 아시아에서는 북조선의 최고지도자(김정일 위원장)로 반영되고 있다.

<##IMAGE##> 이번 제66차 유엔총회 연설을 통해서도 이란의 아마디네자드 대통령은 22일 유엔총회 석상에서 발표한 연설을 통해 미국과 일부 서방국가들을 강도높게 비판해 세계 주목을 받고 있다.

이란 대통령이 이날 유엔총회에서 미국을 비롯한 서방국가들을 노골적인 표현으로 연설을 하자 미국, 프랑스 등 서방 대표들은 줄줄이 퇴장하는 비민주적 자세를 보였다.

이란의 아마디네자드 대통령은 미국이 노예제도의 역사를 갖고 있으며 2차 세계대전의 원인을 제공했고 또 무고한 시민들을 대상으로 핵무기를 사용했으며 아시아와 아프리카, 라틴 아메리카 등지의 군사독재 정권들을 수립하고 이를 비호해왔다고 꼬집었다.

이란 대통령은 이어서 "미국은 인종차별을 공식적으로 지지하면서 여러 나라에 군사적으로 개입해 이들 나라를 약화시켰으며 하부구조를 파괴해왔다"고 비판하자 미국과 이를 추종하는 나라 외교관들은 그의 연설이 진행되는 공안 유엔총회장을 빠져 나갔고 이를 따라서 프랑스 등 유럽연합의 대표들도 약속이나 한듯 꽁무니를 쫒아 밖으로 나가는 추한 모습을 보였다.

그는 특히 국제사회를 향해 10년전 9.11사태는 오사마 빈 라덴을 범인으로 몰아 그를 끝내 살해하고 그 시체를 바다에 버렸지만 미국은 그 사건 원인분석을 위해 조사단을 제대로 구성하지 않고 얼렁뚱땅 처리하는 바람에 아직도 의혹을 남기고 있는 상활이라고 비난했다.

미국과 서방언론들은 국제사회의 사건들에 대한 문제들의 진실에 대해서는 숨기면서 미국을 향해 도전하는 나라들과 그 지도자들에 대해서는 폄훼하고 비하는 발언들을 증폭시켜 왔을 따름이다. 그 중에 하나가 북조선으로 나타났다.

이에 대한 이명박 정권의 자세도 종미주의로 나갈 뿐 강대국들이 자주성 실현을 위해 노력하는 제3세계 나라들에 대해서는 약자의 편에 서지 않고 오히려 앞장서서 강대국 편에 서서 그들의 비위를 맞추며 사대매국적 행위를 자행해 온 것으로 비판받아 왔다. 이때문에 남북관계가 발전되지 않고 오히려 악화시키는 선봉에서 반역의 길을 부추길 뿐이었다. 이것도 이명박 정권의 특징중 하나로 나타났다.

제3세계를 비롯하여 자주성을 지향하는 나라들은 이미 이명박 정권이 사대주의 정권으로서 가장 악독한 길을 가고 있다고 파악해 왔다. 그렇기 때문에 이명박 정권이나 한나라당 정권이 존재하는 한 국제사회에서의 신뢰는 날이 갈수록 추락할 것이라고 전망되고 있다. 일부 외신들을 아래에 소개한다.

Delegations from the US, UK, France and other nations walked out of the UN General Assembly during a fierce speech by Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in which he accused certain countries of attempting to dominate the world.

­While delivering his speech, President Ahmadinejad again questioned the 9/11 tragedy, which ten years ago claimed almost 3,000 lives in the US. Dubbing the terror attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon “mysterious,” Ahmadinejad reminded delegates that his calls for a proper investigation into the tragedy resulted in his country being threatened with sanctions.

Ahmadinejad also wondered why the main suspected perpetrator, Osama Bin Laden, was never delivered to the US to give evidence.

“Instead of assigning a fact-finding team they killed Osama Bin Laden and threw his body into the sea. Would not it have been more reasonable to bring him to justice?” the Iranian leader told the gathering.

Ahmadinejad attacked the US for causing two world wars and imposing totalitarian regimes on Asian, African and Latin American nations.

More diplomats left the hall as President Ahmadinejad switched to the global economic crisis. He said that while the global recession was provoked by a handful of nations, most countries actually suffering from the crisis are kept away from the decision-making.

The UN can boast of no different picture, according to the Iranian leader, where the majority of the 193 members is dominated by the same small group of powers. Ahmadinejad urged the organization to work along more democratic lines.

NATO’s mission in Afghanistan also came under the fire from Ahmadinejad.

“Despite NATO’s presence in Afghanistan, there has been a dramatic increase in the production of illicit drugs in this country,” said President Ahmadinejad.

The Israeli delegation did not attend to the speech at all. This did not prevent Ahmadinejad from mentioning the Holocaust.

"European countries still use the Holocaust after six decades as the excuse to pay ransom or fines to Zionists," he said, causing diplomats to flee the meeting in droves.


Every popular uprising around the world against US-supported dictatorships is actually fueled by the “rejection of the extreme capitalist system which is inhuman at its core,” the Iranian president genuinely believes.

­Ahead of his speech at the UN General Assembly, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad shared with RT his views on the Palestinian push for statehood, and the situation in the Middle East and his country in general.

RT: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, thank you very much for taking the time to sit with RT again. You are here to address the international body at the United Nations. Every year that you have come so far, you have advocated on behalf of the Palestinians, in support of their sovereignty and in support of the Palestinians having their own state. This year, the issue of Palestinian statehood is gaining a lot of new momentum in the Arab world amid the so-called Arab Spring – uprisings that have taken place in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. Does the Palestinian bid for statehood come at the right time at this moment? What is your take on that?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: In the name of the Almighty, the most gracious and the most merciful, first I would like to greet you and all of your viewers and wish the Almighty"s blessing for everyone. You asked a very important question. The people of Palestine existed even prior to the Second World War, prior to the First World War. And all people, all nations have the right to self-determination, but that right was taken away as a result of a previously-planned hostile takeover and dishonest takeover. That right should be restored. The sooner the better – it is their right. What is important is that it comes back in its entirety and they don"t once again fall prеy to the political games that are often played.

RT: It’s interesting when you say “complete state”, “in its entirety” actually, because US President Barack Obama addressed the General Assembly saying that Palestinian UN membership and statehood can’t come from statements or UN resolutions. The only way there could be a peaceful plan in a two-state solution in the Middle East is through negotiations. Just last year, the US president said he hoped when he returned to the UN, there would be a Palestinian UN membership. So he clearly is backpedaling on his position. At the same time he has supported the Tunisians, the Egyptians, the Libyans, saying that it’s the will of the people to determine their future. Do you feel that the Palestinians have a reason to feel betrayed by the US president?

MA: I say that perhaps if we don’t use the word betray it is better. I think what has taken place is on a higher plateau than betrayal. This is the continuation of the suppression of the rights of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian nation. You see if they don"t realize their dream of self-determination and legitimacy this year, this will occur next year. If not the next year, then the following year. This will happen and no-one can prevent that. Now can we logically and fairly ask of anyone to establish a dialogue and negotiate with occupiers in order to get the right of self-determination? Imagine a gang of thieves come and take over your home. Once they are asked to return the property to its rightful owner or owners they give predetermined sets of rules and conditions in order to leave what they took through theft. So this is the policy that has failed. It has been proven and it will be wiped away very soon, this principal of doing things. And the same goes for the Arab nations. Who did they rise up against? Against the United States’ influence in the region. It is clear the world over, dictators have been and are protected and supported by the United States. People rose up against the dictatorship, against Western influence, against US influence. Now how can the United States see itself as the rightful owner of such a popular movement? I think this is a trick. The fundamental point behind the popular uprising – not in the Arab world, but across the world – is against the influence of the extreme capitalist system which is inhuman at its core. And it is not just pertaining to the Arab World; it is the world over – in Europe, in Great Britain, in France, in Spain, in Greece – the world over – wherever we look today. If people are given permission and a chance to express themselves and express their opinions they will certainly rise up against the influence of the United States.

RT: You were referring to all of the uprisings that have taken place in the Arab World and some continue to take place now. Who is benefiting? Is anyone benefiting from the instability?

MA: You see, at the end of the day justice, freedom, and the right of self-determination is the right of all people, of all nations. All nations have the right to be free under fair conditions to live their lives and also have the freedom of choice. Everyone should recognize it as a God-given right and legitimate right. But there are of course always those who take advantage of such situations. Some will want to put their own copyrights, so to speak, on such events to be able to influence the atmosphere following these events. We believe that no one must interfere. Nations are fully capable of determining their own destiny.

RT: US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said that the revolutions that have taken place in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya – I know you are familiar with this – he said that a similar revolution will happen in Iran in a matter of time. Your reaction, Mr. President?

MA: It is an opinion, of course. I think that Mr. Panetta was more than likely expressing the plans set in motion by the United States or entertained by the United States and the wishes of the US government. There are perhaps plans in the works against Iran. The movements that take place today across the globe are against the expansion of US influence. The people of Iran have been against that for the last 32 years. It is clear that during this time, because of the choice of the people of Iran, the United States government has been against such choice.

RT: The uprising that has taken place, and continues to take place in Libya, that was against the hegemony of the United States that was taking place in Libya?

MA: Yes. The wish of the nations is to rise up against the influence of the United States. Today they can very quickly hold free referendums in Libya and see whether people are against the influence of the United States or not, but NATO has not and will not allow such a thing to take place. NATO occupies nations by the force of its missiles, by the force of aerial bombardment and with vast media campaigns. They will not allow the legitimization of the will and the wish of the people. This is very simple. We can hold referenda. We can hold referenda in every single one of these countries in order to determine the will of the people vis-à-vis the influence of the United States. I think, the higher-ups in the United States government and the capitalist owners know this, and they are always financing such moves.

RT: Iran has enjoyed very good relations with Turkey. However, Turkey has just allowed the United States to place a NATO anti-missile radar on its territory, which is obviously directed at Iran. Turkey is taking a harsh stand on Syrian authorities that Iran, according to reports, has been supportive of. Do you believe that Iran is losing its relationship with Turkey in any way, given those two points that I just laid out?

MA: Our ongoing relationship with Turkey is a very good one. It doesn"t mean that we don"t have differences. The establishment of those radar bases and radar systems, I think, has been imposed on the nation of Turkey. Today the United States of America is a bully. It has force and it imposes its will. Just as you see that it"s able to impose its will on many bigger, more powerful governments and nations. But this, in the long run, won"t benefit the United States of America. Today relationships between the various nations of the world are not determined by the force of missile or weapon systems. They are determined by the people of those nations. Today we can hold a referendum in Turkey and determine the honest opinion of the Turkish people about the influence of the United States and at the end of the day the will of the people will prevail. In Syria, in fact, Mr. Bashar al-Assad and Mr. Erdogan have a very good relationship and they were good friends.

RT:It is interesting, Mr. President, that you say that your message is usually the same, because US President Barack Obama, when he spoke to the international community, his criticism of Iran was pretty much the same as it was the year before and pretty much similar to the criticism that George W. Bush made against Iran, which continues to be the same. If Iran and the US are always saying the same thing year after year, how could there ever be a reconciliation?

MA: Today what is taking place in North Africa and the Middle Eastern nations, in Arab nations, the Western countries are given credit for the popular accomplishments. There was a promise of change, of less military expansion, of no military expansion, of decreasing pressure on populations, of no discrimination. The people of the US should not have been pressured as they are today. Has any of this happened?

Today as we speak all of these games that result in hyper-wealth only, only serve to transfer the bulk of the wealth from the have-nots to the pockets of the rich, who will only get richer. The previous US president would come to the UN General Assembly and command other member nations: “such and such country must do this”. Did you not feel after today"s speech such commands, if you will, are continuing and ongoing? We really need fundamental changes, which must take place. This is a human need.


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