A unique opportunity to travel to North Korea > korea

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2024년 9월 10일
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A unique opportunity to travel to North Korea

페이지 정보

작성자 편집실 작성일15-09-05 02:05 조회3,431회 댓글0건


A unique opportunity to travel to North Korea


There is an exciting opportunity for people in the United States to travel legally to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), also known as North Korea, to see, experience and learn for themselves about its people, politics, culture, geography and history.

The best way to learn about any country is to experience it firsthand. This is especially true for the DPRK, Cuba, Vietnam and China. Relying on the demonized images presented by the corporate-owned mainstream media and government mouthpieces is only a recipe for ignorance and hostility.

We have seen in one week's time: a historic agreement with Iran and the opening of U.S. and Cuban Embassies. It's also time time for a change in U.S. policy toward North Korea.

If you want to see the DPRK firsthand you can join us in participating in what will be an amazing eight day / seven night tour that will arrive on October 6 in Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK. Travel to the DPRK from the United States is legal. An ever-larger number of tourists from around the world have been visiting the country, with more than 100,000 making the trip last year.

An exciting October 6-13 trip is being organized by Korea Peace Tours in partnership with Glocal Encounters tourism company. Korea Peace Tours has been established by U.S. peace activists to facilitate more people from the United States and elsewhere visiting the DPRK and experiencing the country, the culture and its people directly.

We in the ANSWER Coalition are encouraging people to participate in the Korea Peace Tours' October 6-13 trip since nothing takes the place of a firsthand experience in learning about another country and another people.

Please let us know quickly if you are interested since space is limited to approximately 50 people. If you are interested in joining the October 6-13 trip or simply requesting more information about the trip, just fill out this form (located at the bottom of the linked page). 

How it Works

The itinerary for this trip is dazzling in its scope. We will visit different cities, both large and small, centers of learning and historic cultural sites; travel to the Panmujon and the DMZ, which still separates the Korean Peninsula into north and south; participate in and witness Pyongyang's celebrated mass performances as the country officially marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Workers' Party of Korea; visit the historic city of Kaesong, an UNESCO World Heritage Site that was the capital of the Koryo Dynasty and is today known both for its stunning mountains and landscape, and as a commercial and political point of contact between north and south Korea; and experience the gorgeous scenery of Mt. Myohyang, an important cultural and historic site due to it being the birthplace of King Tangun, who founded the first Korean kingdom of Gojoseon in 2333 B.C.

The cost for the tour is $2,480, which includes a round-trip Air Koryo ticket from Beijing to Pyongyang; seven nights of hotel accommodations in the DPRK, six of them at various 4-star hotels (double occupancy) and one at the 5-star Hyangsan Hotel (double occupancy); three meals per day; transportation throughout DPRK; DPRK Tourist Visas and Handling Fees; DPRK Guides; and the waiver of admission fees for Special Events and Concerts.

Participants in the tour are responsible for their own air ticket to Beijing and will need to pay the cost for one night hotel accommodations in Beijing since we will leave from Beijing for Pyongyang on the morning of October 6.

To get more information about the trip and the logistics fill out the form (located at the bottom of the linked page) and the Korea Peace Tours staff will get back to you.

We think people-to-people visits are important for many reasons. People defied travel restrictions to visit Cuba and that process unquestionably impacted political policy over the long term, creating a people-to-people bridge toward peace. Travel to the DPRK is legal. Instead of pursuing a policy of endless hostility, including spending billions of dollars on war exercises each year that simulate the military destruction of the DPRK, the United States should change its policy and sign a Peace Treaty with the DPRK, finally ending the Korean War, and normalize relations between the two countries.

The Korea Peace Tours initiative is an exciting way for people in the United States to learn more about the DPRK. For more information, visit KoreaPeaceTours.com


*Contact Person in charge: 323-394-3611 

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