북 인구조사(1): 총인구 <2천4백5만2천231명>으로 공식집계 > 사회, 문화

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북 인구조사(1): 총인구 <2천4백5만2천231명>으로 공식집계

페이지 정보

작성자 민족통신 작성일10-03-17 10:26 조회3,959회 댓글0건


[로스엔젤레스=민족통신 종합]북부조국에서 2008년 10월1일부터 보름동안 실시한 인구조사 결과에서 총 인구는 24,052,231명으로 이중 남자는 11,711,838명, 여자는 12,330,393명으로 여자가 남자보다 많은 것으로 나타났다. 한편 남부조국 인구는 총 4천829만7천명으로 이중 남자가 2천426만8천명, 여자가 2천402만9천명으로 남자가 여자보다 약간 많은 것으로 집계(2006년 조사결과)되었다.

북부조국 총 인구 <2천4백5만2천231명>으로 공식집계

[로스엔젤레스=민족통신 종합]북부조국에서 2008년 10월1일부터 보름동안 실시한 인구조사 결과에서 총 인구는 24,052,231명으로 이중 남자는 11,711,838명, 여자는 12,330,393명으로 여자가 남자보다 많은 것으로 나타났다. 한편 남부조국 인구는 총 4천829만7천명으로 이중 남자가 2천426만8천명, 여자가 2천402만9천명으로 남자가 여자보다 약간 많은 것으로 집계(2006년 조사결과)되었다.

이북의 인구조사는 지난 1993년 북 당국의 조사로 실시된 이후 이번 조사는 최초로 유엔인구조사 기금(UNFPA)에 의해 진행되었는데 여기에는 북의 중앙통계국과 3만5천명, 그리고 8천명의 인구조사 관리인들이 참여한 것으로 나타났다고 한겨레신문 17일자 영자판에서 보도했다.

이 보도에 따르면 북의 결혼 평균연령은 남자가 29살, 여자가 25.5살로 밝혀졌다. 이에 비해 이남의 경우는 남자가 31.3살, 여자가 28.3살(2008년 통계)로 나타났다.

한편 이 조사결과와 관련하여 인구조사 전문가인 박경숙 서울대학 사회학과 교수는 소위 이북에서 말하는 90년대 중반의 고난의 행군시기에 2,3백만명 아사하였다고 하는 소문들이 있었으나 이번 조사와 1993년 조사를 대비하여 조사해 보면 이것을 뒷받침 할 근거가 없다고 지적하면서 대략 34만명 정도로 집계하며 이중 남자가 24만명, 여자가 10만명 정도로 계산했다.

박 교수는 또 이북의 인구노후 현상은 65세 이상이 8.8 퍼센트(2,096,648 명)로 중국(8%), 인도(5%) 보다 높은 것으로 분석되었다고 지적했다. 이 조사는 또 북 주민들의 난방과 요리에 사용하는 연료는 주로 석탄과 나무가 이용되고 있다고 설명하면서 에너지 북족현상을 진단했다. (아래는 한겨레 신문 영자판에 나온 영문 보도자료이다.)

N Korea Total Population:24,052,231

[North Korea Census 2008]
Census figures reveal N.Korea is also an aging society

According to North Korea’s 2008 census, 8.8 percent of the population is over the age of 65

A copy of North Korea’s 2008 censes was obtained Tuesday by the Hankyoreh. Census figures show that on average, North Korean men are age 29.0 years and women 25.5 years at the time of their first marriage.

<##IMAGE##> According to the census figures, both men and women in North Korea generally enter their first marriages in their mid to late twenties. Conversely, the average age at the time of their first marriage of individuals in South Korea is 31.38 years for men and 28.32 years for women as of 2008. These figures indicate that men and women marry 2.38 years and 2.82 years earlier in North Korea, respectively.

The 2008 census, which was carried out according to international standards recommended by the U.N. with assistance from groups such as the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is effectively North Korea’s first census. While 1993 census figures were made by North Korea in January 1994, experts have questioned the credibility of these figures, as they were gathered by North Korean authorities and did not meet international standards. The 2008 census was carried out under the supervision of North Korea’s Central Statistics Bureau and cited as its standard time for data 12:01 a.m. on October 1, 2008. Between October 1 and 15, 2008, some 35 thousand census takers and 8 thousand supervisors were mobilized to carry out the survey in an interview format. The Central Statistics Bureau submitted a sealed copy of its final census report to the U.N. in December 2009, and the specific data have not been released to the public to date.

The census showed the total population of North Korea to be 24,052,231. The sex ratio showed an overall preponderance of women in the population, with the male population of 11,711,838 totaling 95.1 percent of the female population of 12,330,393. This stands in contrast with the slight preponderance of males in the North Korean population, amounting to 101 percent of the female population as of 2006. The population of those aged 65 or older in the overall North Korean population was around 8.8 percent, or 2,096,648 people, indicating a higher percentage of the elderly than in China (8 percent) or India (5 percent). Park Keong-suk, a Seoul National University professor who analyzed the 2008 census data, said that the percentage of those under the ages of 35 to 40 has shrunk. Park said, “It is not as rapid as in South Korea, but North Korea is also showing the pattern of an aging society.”

The census also shows North Korea had a total of 64 centenarians as of 2008, all of whom are female. As of the 2005 census in South Korea, there were 104 men and 856 women 100 years or older, for a total of 960 people. Hyun In-ae, vice president of North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity, a North Korean defectors’ group, explained, “In North Korea, there is a tendency for men to die earlier, since a lot of them go into the military and do a lot of difficult and dangerous work in their ordinary lives.”

[North Korea Census 2008]
N.Korea Census says 340 thousand died during N.Korea’s March of Tribulation
The estimate is much lower than previous estimates of two to three million deaths from starvation

<##IMAGE##> According to a copy of North Korea’s 2008 census obtained Tuesday by the Hankyoreh, estimates indicate that the number of North Koreans who starved to death during the so-called “March of Tribulation” in the mid to late 1990s following the country’s economic, food and energy crises is estimated around 340 thousand people. Park Keong-suk, Seoul National University sociology professor and expert in population studies, reached this conclusion after comparing and analyzing data from the 2008 census and the 1993 census reportedly carried out independently by North Korean authorities. The latest figures are considered have a relatively greater amount of objectivity than the various projections presented previously, as they have been gathered through a formal census .

Park said, “If you ignore the scale of migrants (overseas North Koreans who cannot be confirmed statistically), North Korea’s population loss since 1993 as a result of the size of changes in birth and death rates is estimated at around 630 thousand people.” Park added that the population loss as a result of the falling birth rate is around 290 thousand, while the loss resulting from an increased death rate is around 340 thousand.

Park also noted a major difference in population loss as a result of an increased death rate, with men totaling around 240 thousand members of the lost population and women around 100 thousand. Park added, “This appears to be a tendency in line with the common view that men show less adaptability than women when the living environment deteriorates.”

Regarding the calculation method for these estimates, Park said, “Assuming that the birth and death rates from the 1993 census have been sustained, it refers to the difference in scale from the population confirmed in the 2008 census.”

She added, “In any event, there is no statistical basis for the claims some people have made that two to three million people died of starvation.”

[North Korea Census 2008]
Census data gives concrete picture of N.Korean living environment

The plurality of N.Koreans lives in row houses and use coal or wood for fuel

<##IMAGE##> In what kind of living environment does the average North Korean reside? Until now, we’ve only been able to guess roughly; there was no way to know concretely. The result of North Korea’s 2008 population census, carried out with assistance from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), however, gives a concrete picture.

A brief answer says that the average North Korean lives in a row house or detached house slightly over 20 pyeong in area with two rooms and a bathroom and uses coal or wood for fuel.

According to the 2008 census, there are 5,887,471 households in North Korea. By housing type, 2,534,435 households (43 percent) live in row houses, while 1,988,415 (34 percent) live in detached houses and 1,264,435 (21 percent) live in apartments. As for housing size, 4,325,378 households (73 percent) live in homes 50 to 75 square meters in area. Around 999,387 households (17 percent) live in homes under 50 square meters, while just 112,781 (2 percent) live in homes over 100 square meters. Around 3,808,956 households (65 percent) live in homes with two rooms. Some 1,013,664 (17 percent) live in one-room homes. Just 61,823 households (1 percent) live in homes with four rooms or more. This means that the majority of North Koreans live in homes smaller than South Korean public housing.

Some 5,003,904 households (85 percent) access drinking water via running water. Around 3,434,306 households have independent bathrooms with toilets connected to a plumbing system, 2,045,134 homes (35 percent) have outhouses and 342,452 (6 percent) have shared outhouses, while 65,579 (1 percent) have shared toilets connected to plumbing.

According to the report, an overwhelming majority of North Korean homes use coal or wood for heating or cooking. According to the report, 2,773,238 households (47 percent), use coal for heating, while 2,656,866 use wood, a close second. Around 263,809 homes (5 percent) use central or regional heating. Just 3 percent use electricity as a heating fuel. For cooking fuel, 2,758,400 use wood and 2,714,511 use coal, also in the 46 to 47 percent range respectively, followed by gas (3 percent), oil (2 percent) and electricity (1 percent).

The reliance of 92 to 93 percent of North Koreans on wood and coal for heating and cooking fuel is presumed to be an effect of the energy shortages since the mid 1990s, although the lack of similar census data makes a precise comparison difficult.
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