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강은홍목사,미장로회 총회서 미군의 학살만행 지적

페이지 정보

작성자 편집실 작성일16-07-28 14:20 조회2,188회 댓글0건


강은홍목사는 지난 달 포트랜드 오레건에서 진행된 미장로교회 제222회 총회에서 코리아전쟁시기 미군이 노근리에서 자행한 학살만행을 지적하여 제출한 사건에 대하여 미장로교회 노회에서 희생자들에게 사과하고 살해된 피해자들 가족에게 위로문을 보내자고 제안하여 그 뜻을  총회내의 자문위원단 (ACSWP(Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy) 이름으로 사과하고 피해자 가족들에게 위로의 뜻을 전할 것을 권유하도록 해 그 귀추가 주목된다. [민족통신 편집실] 


강은홍 목사, 미장로회 총회서 미군의 학살만행 지적


The 222nd General Assembly (2016) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.):

1.     Acknowledges that during the Korean War, American troops knowingly killed at least 150 Korean civilians (and probably between 250 and 300, mostly women and children) on July 26–29, 1950, near the village of No Gun Ri.

2.     Directs the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly to communicate with the President of the United States and members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives, to request an official statement to the Republic of Korea that would include:

a.     an acknowledgement of the responsibility of the United States military for knowingly killing Korean civilians at No Gun Ri;

b.    an apology and statement of regret for the actions of United States troops at No Gun Ri, with an indication of openness to consider appropriate compensation to the surviving victims and the families of those killed or wounded in that incident; and

c.     a commitment to include information about the events at No Gun Ri in the training of United States military personnel to diminish the likelihood of such events happening in the future.

3.     Directs staff persons from the Presbyterian Mission Agency to consult electronically with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s mission partners in the Republic of Korea, including the Presbyterian Church in Korea (PCK) and the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK), in order to:

a.     offer condolences to the approximately forty surviving victims of the events of No Gun Ri on behalf of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.);

b.    create a bibliography of resources about the events at No Gun Ri;

c.     create worship materials to remember the people impacted by the events at No Gun Ri;

d.    share the bibliography and worship materials and this overture and rationale electronically with the congregations and presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Presbyterian Church in Korea (PCK) and the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK);

 e.     explore possibilities for joint prayer and witness regarding continuing tensions on the Korean peninsula, in the South China Sea, and other considerations for peace, world order, security, and meeting basic human needs that are currently before their congregations and members.

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