10 Key Points Crucial to a Serious Assessment of the DPRK > korea

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10 Key Points Crucial to a Serious Assessment of the DPRK

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작성자 편집실 작성일18-01-31 14:27 조회1,409회 댓글0건


Editor's Note: The following text was found on Facebook, written by a user named Misha Panarin. We have included the text in its entirety below.


by Misha Panarin

The best way to look at the DPRK isn't with snark, or memes, or just repeating talking points without anything to back them up, but through the best tool we have for understanding class society: materialism, a concrete analysis of a concrete situation.

Under such analysis, we understand several key points crucial to a serious assessment of the DPRK:

1. the country was born through tireless anti-colonial and anti-imperialist struggle, led by Kim Il-Sung and others

2. the DPRK is objectively the legitimate, sovereign, indigenous government of Korea, and the ROK is a puppet state that exists only thanks to the US forcefully dividing the peninsula, splitting families and a nation apart, and installing their own fascist dictatorship to crush all opposition and dissent

3. the Korean War was genocide: millions of the DPRK's population was killed, and about 90% of the country's main infrastructure was leveled by bombing. This atrocity is in living memory of a great many Koreans and colors both policy and the national identity of Koreans

4. food security is becoming less and less of an issue in the DPRK, with the worst of it having passed already almost 20 years ago. Like all socialist countries, the loss of the USSR as a trading partner was a huge blow. Up until then, the DPRK had higher standards of living across the board compared to the ROK.

5. any serious analysis of the way production is oriented and administered in the DPRK shows that the dominant mode of production is socialist. The Taean system, which revolves around elected factory committees deciding how to tackle problems of production, is almost identical to the system employed in Cuba, and is one of the purest expressions of workplace control and democracy on the planet.

6. the DPRK has also implemented "China-style" reforms, on a lesser scale. Some private property is allowed to exist in order to bring up the productive forces - both as foreign companies operating in SEZs and as small, private businesses like shops and stalls. The most part, these reforms have been positive for the country, increasing productivity and efficiency across the board while securing access to consumer goods and imports.

7. in the DPRK, education, healthcare, employment, food and housing are human rights and no person goes homeless there. Healthcare and education access in rural and mountainous areas isn't as good as in urban centers but it's improving year by year. Women are a huge and growing part of the workforce and services such as daycare and maternal leave are provided free of charge by the government

8. the government is democratically elected and Kim Jong-Un isn't a dictator single-handedly wielding power - he has the same number of votes as any member of the CC: one. He'll likely be the last Kim to hold his position, and at any rate as time goes on, power is diffused more and more, spread around more and more people, and a the majority of the Party members are peasants and workers, with a good amount of military people too

9. on that point, the reason the military is so large, advanced and given so much of the budget is because the US, Japan and the ROK (to a lesser degree) threaten the DPRK with invasion constantly, conducting wargames off its shores every year and simulating "decapitating" attacks on the DPRK. Referring back to point 3, the fear of being once again obliterated by imperialist war looms over the DPRK, which forces them to allocate a good portion of the budget to defense (although since 2014 the "military first" policy was repealed and replaced with a "military and civil" parallel development policy meant to increase access to consumer goods while not neglecting the security of the country.

10. the DPRK isn't a "one-party dictatorship" but a United People's Front - the legislative body of the DPRK represents more parties than the US, even. KIS, KJI and KJU aren't revered as gods or anything like that - they're admired and respected for leading the country through the most immense hardships and always keeping the people's interests in mind. The immense respect of the Korean people for the Kim family isn't any different than Venezuelan's respect for Bolívar or Uruguayan's respect for Artigas (and far less cultish and sickening than the US deification of George Washington).

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